<p>Anyone else in the same position as me? They said it would take 5-7 business days and I'm supposed to send my sat scores on Jan 1. So my scores will be supposedly available on December 30 and then I will send them, will it still be on time because my score is delayed?</p>
<p>UGHHH I’m in the exact same boat as you! I called collegeboard and they said they’re not even 100% positive that my test score will be posted in a week. They were like it entered an “exceptional grading system” blah blah. But, when I asked 3 dfiferent reps about what that was they all said diff things! I’m so frustrated right now</p>
<p>Not to freak anyone out but I took this prep class over the summer and the instructor said he had one student who improved so much, like from 1800 to 2400, that collegeboard had an investigation. In the end they can technically invalidate your score and give you the chance to retake it…
But I think what happens most of the time is something on the registration gets bubbled wrong and the scores get delayed.</p>
<p>Yeah I heard collegeboard can do that if they believe that you cheated. But, that was my first time taking the test so I know that can’t be the reason. I also highly doubt that I bubbled in my own information wrong. O well, all I can do is hope that my scores come out next week.</p>
<p>The scores can also be delayed for other reasons! Last time my score was delayed because we had a bad weather and the test was rescheduled. Ultimately, I got my score about 2 and 1/2 weeks after everyone else.</p>
<p>So, sit tight! They are going to come soon Good Luck!</p>
<p>I took the test as a standby on Dec 5, 2009. The results are supposed to be sent on Dec 22. I need to send the results by Jan 1 or I’m screwed. This stupid collegeboard only supplies me with 12 characters of space to write my name. My counselor told me to write my initials on the paper form. But a few days later, I remembered I put my full name without spaces on the online form. So now I’m not getting any results. HELP!</p>