<p>If you're hispanic and applying to Dartmouth, assuming recs, essays, transcript and all is alright, could a score in the low 2100s be alright for Dartmouth, even if the reading score is in the low 600s. By the way, my primary language is english, not spanish, but my ethnicity is hispanic. I retook in June and will again in October, and I think I can get close to 700 on reading eventually.</p>
<p>your race will not get you a free pass on that.</p>
<p>if you speak english as your primary language and cannot do well on the CR portion, your chances for a school like dartmouth are not good.</p>
<p>Yes, a 2100 would be a reasonable score for a URM, especially if you attended schools that were not the strongest and are lower income.</p>
<p>Yeah, I wasn’t looking for an excuse or anything on my SAT scores. I know that my reading score is low for Dartmouth standards. Like I said, this test was prior to studying. I think I got high 600s in june though, and by October I think that I can really get close to 700. hmom5, unfortunately, I actually come from a very affluent area where many families make $200,000+ per year, and my family is pretty well off. We are definitely not in a low-income area. Reading is my only struggle. I was 1 question from perfect in march on may, and got low 700s for writing. I think I got about 2200 in June, but we will find out soon. Do you think if I break 2200 and get close to, or possibly break into the 700s on reading, along with my ethnicity, I have a decent shot at Dartmouth. In addition, I hit more than just the cliched stuff on my resume. My GPA is 3.93 and thats unweighted after 6 APs from freshman through junior years. All of my SAT IIs are 800s.</p>
<p>Forgot to mention: I took the ACTs this weekend. I haven’t done much ACT stuff before, but I felt better about ACTs then on the SAT. Do the colleges see each section on the ACT, or just the composite? Or do they even care about each section? For example, If I get 28 or 29 on the reading but in the 30s on reading and 35-36 on math and science, pulling my composite up to about a 33, will it matter that I got in the 20s on reading?</p>
<p>=) I’ve posted this many times:</p>
<p>SAT/ACT matters, but you just have to work the other parts of your app. I’m hispanic and had a 1750 (twice!) and a 25 ACT. Of course Dartmouth will look at your scores, but they also look at YOU as a person… not only as a number. =) As long as you make yourself shine and are a fit for the college you will attract someone’s attention in the admissions office. Don’t let test scores discourage you from applying (to any school)! </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>IBFootballer has no idea what he is talking about. Your scores are good, not amazing, for most applicants, but as a URM, you can be into most schools you apply to. Good luck dude.</p>
<p>Thanks, but I think IBFootballer player is somewhat correct. I don’t have an excuse for my low reading score and it really should be close to or above 700.</p>