SAT scores still not on file!

<p>Collegeboard sent all of the UCs I applied to my SAT I and II score reports on January 7th, but the UC application status site STILL doesn’t have it on file. How long does it typically take for them to put the scores on file after you send it? University of California says that if they don’t have my SAT scores on file by late January, my admissions could be jeopardized. If I sent them in early January, but they are slow in putting them in the system, would they still penalize me? Thank you!</p>

<p>It took me forever to see my scores also. Don’t stress about it it has only been five days (4 not counting Sunday). It takes them from 0-15 days.</p>

<p>I sent my scores on November 27th and I just got an email that said they haven’t received my offical scores from sat/act. What gives?</p>

<p>Me too! What happened?</p>

<p>Okay, ditto. But I went on the application status site for UC Irvine, and they said they received my scores. I called them to verify, and they definitely received them. Then I called San Diego right afterwards, and they said they didn’t receive it (but they should’ve had it by then, they conceded that), and that my name info and everything had to be the same on Collegeboard and the UC Application for them to be able to match my scores to my application. So I called up Collegeboard, and they went over my basic name, ss#,address info with me and then said they would check up to make sure the scores were sent, and possibly talk to the UCs about it, and the get back to me by email. They seemed pretty confident about everything, so maybe you guys should consider calling them up and asking the same thing?</p>

<p>Ooh, another thing - I both rush-shipped and normal-shipping (haha) my score reports to the UCs, and Collegeboard said that it’s possible that some UCs don’t accept rushed scores. Apparently the info they give on rush scores are very minimal as opposed to normal shipped scores, which include every detail about the applicant. So that could also be what happened?</p>

<p>Our email said that you only need to send the scores to one UC. Once one UC has it, all of them should be able to access them. That said, only UC Irvine shows that they have received the SAT/ACT. The UC portal shows all scores missing. We are going to wait until UC Irvine has all the scores we have send and if the UC portal still shows blank, call or email them. Collegeboard says it will take them up to 2 weeks to send the scores electronically and up to 4 weeks by mail. ACT 2 weeks.</p>

<p>Checked again today, and my scores are now on file on the UC application status website! I don’t know if I was just supposed to wait, or if the calling helped somehow, but I hope you guys get your scores in too!</p>

<p>I have a similar problem. I sent my SAT scores in November/December. On the UC app status, it says that they’ve received my SAT I scores and two of the subject tests, but I sent the SAT I and 4 subject tests, which are listed in the self-reported area. These were all sent in the same shipment (or at least I submitted them all together). Should I send the scores again, and if so do they have to go to all campuses or just one?</p>

<p>EDIT: On the UCSD site, they report having received all of my scores. But the official one still has only some of them.</p>

<p>^ It’s because UCs only consider your highest single sitting SAT score and your 2 highest subject test scores. No need to send it again. All your scores got there but they supposedly don’t look at the lower ones.</p>