Sat Scores

<p>i'm in 8th grade right now, and is applying for a bunch of boarding high schools like exeter, andover, etc. i got my sat scores back (not SSAT, which you HAVE to take if you want to apply for prep schols), and was wondering if i should keep it or loose it. (if you are not in high school yet, your scores disappear unless you tell collegeboard you want to save it)</p>

<p>i got 540 on criticial reading, as i expected...;(
690 on math, though i expected a bit better,
and 620 on writing, 9 on essay. i thought i'd do better on writing because my practice exam from collegeboard was nice. eh. whatever.</p>

<p>so i got a total of 1850. should i keep it?</p>

<p>bumpy bumpy</p>

<p>Don't worry about saving it. Your scores will most likely be higher next time because you will be more used to the test and you will learn more in your classes. I think that your scores will really go up a lot if you get into a good prep school because the classes there are so rigorous.</p>

<p>dont bother keeping them. i got 1090 in 8th grade and 1480 sr year. 4 years of high school really makes a difference.</p>

<p>thanx!!! i'm thinking of a retake in january, though. my parents think if i can break 2000 by then, we should keep it just in case i start drugs or something ridiculous like that in highschool. what do you think?</p>

<p>Don't do drugs.</p>

<p>"Don't do drugs."</p>

<p>....well, atleast not the bad ones : )</p>

<p>Be somebody or be somebody's fool.
Be cool - stay in school.</p>

<p>It shouldn't hurt you if you keep it, but what's the point? Take it in junior or senior year of high school anyway, as it's likely that you will do much better. My 7th grade score was 860, now i'm up to 1430. And actually, my verbal score, which seems to be your weakness (as it was mine), improved by 380. So, it won't really make a difference if you keep them, since colleges will see that you took it in 8th grade and likely disregard it. An 1850 is impressive for an 8th grader though. Why would you want to retake it in january? Just take it junior/senior year; you should definitely be able to break well beyond 2000 by then.</p>