Hello everyone!!
I am a rising senior especially interested in UPenn and Columbia both for engineering. I plan on applying early to one of the two (I just have to do some more visiting and meeting with people, but I’m leaning towards UPenn).
So here is my story:
I took the SAT for the first time in June of my sophomore year without any studying (don’t ask why; I was stupid) and obviously did pretty poorly - M 690, CR 600, W 610. Then I took it again in October of junior year again without much studying - M 650, CR 630, W 700. Finally I started intensively studying and took it one final time in January - M 800, CR 700, W 760 (total: 2260). I’m happy with my final score (sort of… for the most part). I’m thrilled about math especially because I want to go into engineering, but the other two are eh. I wanted an 800 on writing. But I’m over it. The problem was that then I took the new SAT in school and got a 760 on math and a 730 on writing/reading. That wasn’t good because I went down. THEN I took subject tests and scored 790 on physics (positively unexpected) and then a 690 on math II (very NEGATIVELY unexpected).
I’m really torn right now because I’m not sure what to retake or send. I’m tempted to just screw all of my SAT scores because I have SO many!! Penn recommends sending all, but I really don’t want to!! Even if I just sent my SAT I score, I have the problem of my subject tests. I’ll have to send the hideous 690 screw up on math II (honestly have NO idea how that happened. It was supposed to be the other way around. Math is easy!!) plus whatever new score I get if I retake it (hopefully 800).
I’m now planning to take the ACT in September. I’ve done 3/4 sections (just have science left) of a practice test just to see and so far I’ve scored all 35s. Is it worth it to kiss my beautiful 800 in math goodbye
and move on to try the ACT so I don’t have to retake subject tests and worry about my dozen scores???
Sorry this is so long but it’s very complicated. Any advice would be MUCH appreciated!!! THANKS!!!
If I am not mistaken, taking the ACT will NOT opt you out of sending subject test scores, especially for Penn. As for the ACT in general, I STRONGLY encourage you NOT to take it. A 2260 is an absolute fantastic score and you should feel really happy about that. The 690 on math II is not bad either. Probably just one question from being a 700. Should you retake math II? Probably. I’d ditch the ACT and work for scoring 700+ in math II.
Also, you can expect that Penn will only consider your highest scores.
It’ll be ok. Just worry about Math II, and try your best to bring up your score.
Keep that 2260, and send that in. Do not send any other scores. It looks desperate on your part if you took it so many times. It looks better if it seems like you only took it once.
Are the subject tests offered again before November? If so, retake that Math II. If not, study hard for the ACTs, and send those in instead.
Also, keep in mind: if you apply ED to UPenn, you can’t apply Early Action to anywhere else. Your only app you send in November will be to UPenn.
Actually I can also apply to UChicago, MIT, and Caltech because they have early action non restrictive. So I’m probably applying to UPenn and MIT or Caltech early but if I get into UPenn, I have to go.
There are subject tests in October so I can take it then. So then I would send the 2260, the first subject tests with physics 790 and math 2 690, and the hopefully better score in math 2 from October?
Also thanks a lot for your reply!!!
Thanks so much for your advice. I really really appreciate it!! I’m just so sad about that 690 hahha. It was after physics so I think I was just a bit tired and less focused.
If I take the ACT, I don’t have to send subject tests which would be the advantage because I would just have one, nice, clean score.
My advice for Penn would be to only send in the old SAT 2260 score and the Sat subject test Physics 790 (U Penn is now score choice- so you can do that!) perhaps retake math 2 - if it is good send that in too. (imo- don’t send the 690) If you are determined to take the ACT you can but IMO, you do not have to - time better spent working on your essays or ECs.
Also Penn has gone to restricted ED with exceptions -can also apply to all public schools and schools requiring scholarship apps early… So you will NOT be able to apply to U Chicago or MIT while applying Penn ED but yes you can apply for Cal Tech (they are stamps scholarship)
@runswimyoga Oh wow ok that’s news thanks. Are you sure I can send just one score from the day (June test) that I took subject tests? I thought that you had to send everything from the day… or is that score choice? choosing specific sections/tests to send? That would help a LOT.
@coterie @jake990 sorry I never tagged you guys… don’t know if you got the reply
Yes -Score choice is NEW this year! And Yes when you go on College Board you can choose which subject tests you want to send from that day (for a fee)
You do not have to send entire testing you can send what you like
Required Testing
The ACT or the SAT is required. Official scores must be sent to Penn directly from the ACT or the College Board.
Recommended Testing
SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required. Applicants who do not take SAT Subject Tests will not be at a disadvantage in the admissions process.
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Any two Subject Tests
Nursing Science, preferably Chemistry
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Math Level 2 and a science test (preferably Physics for Engineering Applicants)
Business Math Level 2
Additional Information
Score Choice: Although we permit Score Choice, we do encourage students to submit their entire testing history on both ACT and SAT exams.
SAT vs. ACT: No preference is given to the SAT or the ACT. If an applicant submits both tests, we will pay attention to the higher score from either test.
Superscoring: Superscoring: For the old SAT, we will use the highest individual Critical Reading, Math, and Writing scores across test sittings. For the new SAT, we will use the highest individual Evidence-Based Reading and Math scores across test sittings. Old SAT scores (e.g., 2400 scale) will only be superscored with other old SAT results. Redesigned SAT scores will only be superscored with redesigned SAT test results. For the ACT, we consider the highest individual English, Math, Reading, and Science scores across test sittings. In other words, we superscore the ACT and we superscore within old and new SATs but not between old and new SAT tests.
Don’t send the current Math 2 until your math scores are better.
@wishhhh Actually, starting this year you can’t apply to UChicago, MIT, and Caltech early if you apply to Penn ED.
@jake990 @coterie @runswimyoga hello friends!! long time no talk, but I just wanted to update you guys and let you know that I took the math 2 subject test yesterday (didn’t take ACT even after registering lol there goes $50). I’ll let you know what I get!!