Hi guys,
thanks for reading this.
Firstly, I’m from India.
In my first appearance of the SAT in May 2015, I received a score of 2170 ( CR:720 M:780 W:670 ). However, in the second administration of the SAT which I gave in the coming June, I got a score of 2070 (CR:630 M:730 W:710), which still leaves me with a super score of 2210 ( CR:720 M:780 W:710 ). I’m mostly going to apply to Stanford, UCLA, UCB, Cornell, and USC and I am indeed aware of the fact that Stanford and all of the Ivy Leagues super score, but the UC’s don’t.
Will this score drop prove to be a detriment to my profile?
Additionally, I’ve got some pretty solid ECs as an avid musician and quizzer. I’ve won about 10 quizzes of the 18 I participated in throughout the last 3-4 years of high school, which occurred at various levels, including city, state and nationals (two of which were even televised on national Indian television). I’m also a school topper and my rank for the state’s board exams is in the top 0.5% of the 15 hundred thousand people who appear every year. Moreover, I’m an active community service leader and I also single-handedly frequently hold charity shows in my town.
However, my SAT score drop has really been a matter of worry, since it was completely unanticipated and I indeed feel devastated and to a certain extent, heartbroken. Any help of yours will be a panacea to my trepiditions.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I really do appreciate it.

^ Forgot to mention, I plan on giving my SAT II in maths level 2 and physics this October.
And yes, all these ECs are just a microcosm of the big bag of achievements I have (I’m really not being pretentious).
Scoring in the top 2% or 3% devastates you? You should expand your list of schools. Every kid from India and China and every high stat Indian and Asian kid from California, Texas, Virginia, New York and New Jersey apply to the same schools.
What can your parents afford - will you need financial aid?
@BatesParents2019 first of all, thank you for your comment; I really appreciate it.
Yes, you are indeed right about the collages I’ve selected and I indeed soon plan to expand my horizons. However, will these universities view this drop against me or is it pretty normal, and will only super score my sats, just like the university application instructions on their websites suggest ? I personally think that it wont be an issue, but am still a little bit dubious so would like to ask.
Thanks a lot.
I think the SAT shouldn’t be too much of an issue. If you really have “a big bag of achievements”, then the schools listed will notice and give you some leeway for your (below average for Indian applicant) score.
They will notice that you scored lower, but your EC’s can definitely make up for it.
Just keep in mind that international admissions for these schools is extremely difficult, especially from India. I would focus more on standing out among the thousands of Indians who will be applying to all the schools you have listed.
Nothing you can do about the SAT thing so no point in worrying.
I would focus on the essays,
@rdeng2614 thank you, that was indeed reassuring. Although my score might not be the best, my rank in school as well as in the state along with extra community services and more and more ECs in addition to a great essay,might just do the trick. However, I was just wondering that if I’m targeting Cornell, and since they super score the SAT, this drop might actually won’t make a difference, since my super score is well above their average. Does this credence hold a truth, because a lot of people throughout the internet keep posting that a drop of 50-100 points is pretty normal and all universities that super score the SAT don’t bother to consider the rest.
Thank you once again for replying. I really appreciate it !
(and sorry for my weird grammar today…I’m just wayyy to sleepy atm
More importantly than this focus on 100 points of your SAT score:
@MYOS1634 asked a question that is extremely relevant,
What can your parents afford - will you need financial aid?
UC’s don’t give financial aid to international students.
also, reread post #3, @BatesParents2019 is absolutely correct.
They will superscore, but applying to the exact same colleges as, literally, hundreds and thousands of fellow students from your country will make things very unpredictable. Mix it up a bit,be creative,look for LACs and honors colleges …
Thank you all for commenting. 
Is that your list? lol. I don’t think it will be your SAT score that would keep you out as much as the competition.
@International95 nope not exactly. These schools are only my upper tier schools. I do have ample safeties. 
Do you mind telling us some of your safeties? Also, what do you plan to study?
@yikesyikesyikes I was thinking of using purdue ucla and rice add safeties.
@CallMeHrishi I would be careful about using those schools as safeties, especially UCLA and Rice- UCLA and Rice are not even safeties for any domestic applicant (unless you did something like win the Nobel Prize, an Oscar, etc.), and you are an international applicant applying from India (one of the most competitive countries for international students). A safety is a school which you can be almost certain that you will get admitted to.
However, I am not an admissions expert by any means, so if a guidance counselor or other expert says otherwise, then by all means let their advice supersede mine.
@yikesyikesyikes Okay thanks…but can you please read my profile and tell me if i’m strong contender or not.
I appreciate the help. 
UCLA and Rice can’t be considerep anything but reaches due to their low acceptance rates.
Have you run the NPC on Purdue ? And you need one more safety that’s both affordable and easy for you to get into or shesd you meet the automatic criteria for honors