SAT subj test for IB language ab initio?

<p>Can I take the a language subject test sat 2 if I studied the language i studied for ib ab initio? is it too hard?
I'm studying french ab initio and want to take the french subject test at the end of my course. Is it possible to do decently well on it? How difficult is SAT compared to the ab initio paper?</p>

<p>Bump… anyone? :)</p>


<p>So, I’m doing the SAT Subject test in French in October, and I think that, having looked at the ab initio syllabus, that it would not be advisable to try the SAT 2 in a language.
I myself am doing French B SL, and I’m still having problems with the SAT 2 stuff :/</p>

<p>Thanks! :slight_smile: I’ve decided not to take it! Hope you did well on your test ;)</p>