SAT Subject Test January 2009: Math Level 2

<p>How was it? Do you think it was hard? I answered all questions, but I believe I have 3-4 wrong. Do you thing this is ok for an 800?</p>

<p>I left the last question blank. That apart, I hope i get an 800!</p>

<p>You should be fine.</p>

<p>I left 5 blank, including the last one which really ****ed me off cuz i knew how to do it but ran out of time. But I’m pretty sure i got the rest right/hope i did.</p>

<p>I think raw score of 44+ will be 800, cuz it wasnt too hard compared to some collegeboard practice tests. I just didn’t answer some cuz i’ve never learnt that material/heard of it.</p>

<p>I took math I too and didn’t answer 2 q’s :frowning: i nailed my 2 collegeboard practice tests, but this one had a couple of hard q’s in my opinion. I might’ve even gotten 1 wrong…</p>

<p>i thought it was harder the barron’s…***</p>

<p>If you did indeed get 3-4 wrong, that’s definitely an 800.</p>

<p>I thought the test was of similar difficulty as the official college board practice tests. Should be an 800 for me.</p>

<p>By the way, what was the last question about again? (don’t spell it out cause that’s not allowed. Just give me a key word because I’m curious as to whether I’m confident that I got that one right)</p>

<p>omitted the last 2, kind of educatedly guessed on around 5, so i dunno.</p>

<p>Are the intl and American tests the same?</p>

<p>just to confirm we had the same test, was the last question to do with multiples of 3?</p>

<p>I was going nuts on my calculator, i tried up until …x33 and still couldn’t get it in time :(</p>

<p>@100: Yes, it did.</p>

<p>I’m so angry i made a stupid mistake on one the the final questions :frowning:
Did you guys have a question about isosceles towards the end?</p>

<p>Liam, I think the isoceles was in level 1</p>

<p>omitted 6-7 but I didn’t think I missed any…</p>

<p>oh well how long do we have to wait to see the scores?</p>

<p>anyone get a pattern in their answers? i did and i’m freaking out</p>

<p>So bad! I omitted 4 and got 1 wrong!</p>

<p>i think the isosceles was math I, but i cant remember. was the answer 4?</p>

<p>about the pattern, i kind of had a pattern - i had 3 C’s/3 A’s/3’B in a row at one point or another, can’t remember exactly which letter or when…</p>

<p>Yeah, I was pretty freaked out too because the bubbles didn’t seem to be random, I had a lot of C’s on the first half and a ton of D’s and E’s for the last half. Did this happen to anyone else</p>

<p>YES! i don’t remember about the C’s but definitely the d’s and e’s.</p>

<p>thank god this happened to someone else!</p>

<p>What is the answer to if the zero of a polynomial is 2+3i, what is another? I got 2-3i but idk</p>

<p>i was hoping for more probability problems , but there was only one or two~! definitely easier than the last test since i did some prep lol! skipped 6.</p>

<p>I skipped 4 and I’m not sure about 3 of the other ones I answered. I wasn’t sure about the one where f(x) and the inverse function of f(x) were the same graphs. I said they must be similar about the line y=x --not sure though.</p>