<p>idk. I didn’t send my SAT II scores (I did well on two, but poorly on a third). I think not sending them is fine, since Bates has the whole “Test Option” thing. I’m sure what ever you do is fine!
Good luck!!!</p>
<p>I don’t know what the rest of your scores are, but i’m sure you’ll do fine! They’re good. The way I saw it when I submitted my application is that since they’re test optional, the better test scores you send them, the better you look, which is probably wrong, but it made me feel good! haha, good luck! so did you apply ED II?</p>
<p>ahh. yeah, financial stuff almost killed me, although I got good aid through bates! But Bowdoin is such a good school too! good luck, it’ll all work out =]</p>
<p>do you really know any of the differences between bates and bowdoin? both of my interviews went really well…but i definitely liked my Bates interview the best. The guy I had an interview with gave me the number to his old college roommate that was a chem major.</p>
<p>HAHA! that’s awesome. As for the difference, I think Bowdoin has a slightly higher academic rating, but i think that’s garbage. Everybody i know that goes to Bowdoin says it’s not harder than what their friends at Bates is doing. hmm, small liberal arts college in Maine…sound familiar?</p>
<p>haha. yeah. if i get accepted to those schools my parents are going to have to find some money so i can visit. lol last jan i visited a bunch of the east coast schools but i didn’t know about bates then =( have you visited?</p>
<p>hey lala91, Bates is gorgeous!!! the pond/lake in the center of campus is definitely unique, and the new commons is architetually stunning. overall, physical appearance = superb. however, lewiston itself is not that impressive of a town, but i don’t think that that’s a big deal since most time is spent on campus anyways.</p>
<p>and i have similar subject test scores and i sent mine, while it’s not like our scores are going to blow them away, they add some personality to who we are as people and what we are interested in, so i think as long as their not below 600 our scores will help. good luck - maybe we’ll go to school together!</p>