SAT Subject Tests

<p>Are SAT II scores used for scholarship consideration or anything else at TAMU? We are trying to determine if there is any reason for my son to bother with taking them based upon the schools he is interested in.

<p>I took SAT II Chemistry the end of my junior year, just for fun. I scored an 800. I am admitted into TAMU and will be attending there at the beginning of the Fall 2014 semester. They have offered me exemptions from Chemistry I (3 hour credit) or Chem Lab I (1 hour credit). I advise you to talk to an academic adviser to see what you can be exempted from, based on the scores you receive from doing the SAT II Subject Tests. I’m sure there are a couple more you can exempt from besides Chemistry. </p>

<p>@oohtaibb We did see the placement information on their website. It appears to be pretty much the same as the AP credit for scores of 3 and above. We are mostly interested in finding out if the scores are considered for scholarships. Thanks.</p>

<p>I would recommend emailing the scholarship office <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>They are good about answering questions like that. For instance, I asked whether Advanced Placement exams or Dual Enrollment had more weight as far as scholarships were concerned, and they told me the two were considered equivalent.</p>

<p>Let us know what you find out!</p>

<p>I did mail the financial aid office and have not received a response. I will try the email you posted. Thanks</p>

<p>From the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid:


<p>Thanks for sharing the info!</p>