<p>I am a new parent to the forum. My daughter is a junior in high school. She is taking the SAT (Reasoning) as we speak. I wanted to ask how many times do you recommend she take the test? Also, how do parents typically coordinate the timing of taking the both the SAT subject and reasoning tests so that they are not back to back? </p>
<p>Thank you in advance for any advice or experiences you can share.</p>
<p>First off, welcome to CollegeConfidential. :]</p>
<p>I took my subject tests in June when everything from school was still fresh in my mind.
That gave me the summer to prep for October (I didn’t really “prep” but no one will know)</p>
<p>That should be an ample amount of time to improve the score your D receives this time.</p>
<p>For the amount of tests… I would say keep it under 3 times. More than that and the college will think you are some obsessive kid trying to achieve perfection :P</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your response and advice it is very helpful.</p>