SAT timetable questions

<p>S1 took SAT in Dec. of Jr. year and again in Oct. of senior year. The first score was good enough to get him admitted but was told if he upped it some he would have a better shot at the university's merit scholarships which it did. </p>

<p>S2 took SAT in March junior year. He's another one who refused to take it again (although there was much room for improvement). He'll see how that works out for him in Dec. when the early app. admission results come out from the sch. he most wants to attend.</p>

<p>Weenie I took you advice above and it created a brand new group of questions for me. So, one of my D's has a very short list and feels "done" She really feels that she would be happy at any of the four schools;1 reach, 1 match, 2 safeties. Of those schools the safeties don't even consider SATIIs, the match does consider them if they are submitted and the reach says "Required: SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Tests; or ACT" Does that mean that the ACT alone would stand in for the reasoning and subject tests? Tht's what the punctuation tells me but can someone w/ more experience tell me why that would be the case?</p>

<p>My other question is: for the schools that consider them if submitted would you reccomend taking them because it looks good?</p>

<p>There are several other schools she will visit but if she chooses to sit in a coffee shop and read while her twin sister and I look around that's perfectly alright with me. Maybe she'll be charmed by one or two more but I feel as confident with her list as she does so whatever happens is OK. Some kids do that right...apply to 4 or 5 schools where they feel they'd be happy and call it a day?</p>

<p>Oh, thanks so much to alll of you for the advice. They will be taking the SAT in January for the first time, followed by May and if neccessary September. The D described in the post above will proably opt out of SATII and go for the ACT if I am reading the information right and my other D will take them in June because she likes to keep all of her options open.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if there's a SAT II that relates to AP Euro?</p>

<p>There's World History, but of course it will cover more.</p>

<p>historymom, if that's a quote from the school's website, then you are reading it correctly: The ACT substitutes for both SAT I and SAT II.</p>

<p>Chedva's probably right, but why not just call the college admission office and ask? I would wake up at night wondering if their website copy editor was good at punctuation! Anyone on the other end of the line should be able to give a quick answer to that. </p>

<p>Our youngest two enjoyed being able to show the SAT-2s because they were higher than their SAT-1s. Something about the way they relate to subject matter, and the way they DIDN't prepare for SAT-1s could explain it. Either way, they felt more proud of their SAT-2 scores thans SAT-1s. They also rocked on AP scores. I think it said, "This kid does well in coursework and learns material." Bodes well for college. </p>

<p>My kids also believed in preparing for SAT-2s, unlike SAT-!s where they bought the easy-out advice from some other h.s. students, "you can't prepare for the SAT's." They figured out rather late on the calendar that there were things to do to "prepare: for SAT-1s, if only to study the types of questions. By contrast, they recognized SAT-2s were content-based, for the most part, so brushed up on old notes and took pride in doing well on their "strength subjects."</p>