sat tutoring

<p>does anyone have suggestions of good tutoring places? i didnt do well at all on january sats and need desparate tutoring before i take it again.....</p>

<p>I’ve never been tutored myself, but I’ve actually heard from several people that it’s better to just sit down with the book and teach yourself. Also, if you didn’t know, there’s a big list of answers for the Blue Book questions at the top of this forum. It’s REALLY useful.</p>

<p>i did the blue book and everythign and have tried to teach myself but i still didnt do well so now im trying to look for a tutoring center…</p>

<p>i was at Kaplan in the village in manhattan for a while… my scores actually went down from my practice tests… i switched to a company called parliament tutors in the city. its 1 on 1 tutoring for the same price as the group at kaplan. my tutor goes to columbia and is the man… ill let u all know how i do on this upcoming test… good luck to yall</p>

<p>Find a tutor with at least 5 years of experience.
Make sure he has at least 20 real SAT tests.
Also, get reference from the students who learned from the tutor.
Anything else, you’re just wasting your time and money.</p>