<p>Well, after learning 500 SAT words for the SAT, I was enlightened about how helpful it was to raising your SAT score. It also correlated a average CR increase even though the words you practice do not appear on the test. Everyone at my school comes to me to ask about how to improve their vocabulary. </p>
<p>I have come across various SAT vocab sites, but I find them quite insufficient and not primarily focused on Vocab. I'd like to really pass my knowledge and tips onto people about the vocab, and I am interested in making a SAT vocab website. A indefinitely free one, because I feel it will be a invalueble source of information and great just to be able to help people. </p>
<p>The question for you CCers is how well interested would you be in such a website, and if you'd be interested in participating, because having to individually type the definition, synonyms, etc. of each vocabulary by myself would be overkill.</p>
<p>The Superficial:
- Vocab, definition, synonym, roots breakdown, part of speech, sample sentence
- 300+ Roots List
- 3000+ SAT vocabs
- "Top" or most important words
- Positive / Negative Words
- Games
- Daily (Weekly) sat crossword puzzles
- Quizzes
- Motivation
- And other miscellaneous (probably spelt that wrong) study aids</p>
<p>The Underlying:
- PHP include to include the layout with enclosed TXT file vocabs, to efficiently update layout without having to update individual pages
- Simple, fast, efficient layout. A testament to all those hard to navigate vocab sites I've come across
- Fast loading layout
- Mobile viewing support, Iphone, phones, low resolution devices
- A shoutbox, if you know what it is, if you don't, don't worry about it
- A vocabulary "rating" system, where people can vote
- Basic HTML, css, javascript, php. That's all I know.</p>