<p>Here are my writing scores:
Jan 2006 - 690 (-5 MC, 10 E)
Jun 2006 - 690 (-5 MC, 10 E)</p>
<p>I think there is some bane that exists between me and Writing multiple choice questions.</p>
<p>I currently have McGraw, 11 Tests, Blue Book, and Barron's Writing Workbook -- for those that had used these books, which one is most 'accurate'?</p>
<p>I'm getting -2 or -3 in Barron's Writing Workbook and McGraw and like -5 to -8 in the Blue Book (I know...wth? Isn't the Blue Book supposed to be more 'accurate'? Is Barron's too easy? -- or maybe I'm just tired, I did 8 hours of SAT studying today).</p>
<p>Which book is most accurate and which books are more difficult/more easy? Thanks!</p>
<p>i get like -8 on barrons writing and like -4 on Blue book lol. I think collegeboard's are much easier. Once i went into the test room in june, I couldnt believe how easy it was. got -5 11 essay - 720.</p>
<p>i have no idea though why you are getting more wrong on the blue book. I am getting more wrong on barrons</p>
<p>I have no idea.
Do you think the Barron's writing book is worth getting? I'm going to the bookstore today and I don't know if I should get it or not.</p>
<p>I have the blue book and I have the Barron's math workbook. I have until March to prepare so I have time to prepare. [I started last month actually]
I'm going to the bookstore in 10 minutes, should I get it or Barron's verbal workbook? I'm sorry if this is off topic. I would make a new thread but then I would just be told to search, which I did already. =/</p>