<p>question 1.</p>
<p>Waterways close to land <em>poses</em> challenges to navigation that <em>differ</em>
<em>greatly from</em> <em>those</em> posed by the open sea.</p>
<p>question 2. <em>During</em> my <em>most recent</em> trip, I <em>came across</em> a wonderful
antique store <em>wandering</em> in the old quarter of the city.</p>
<p>question 3. After the uprising of October 10, 1911, thah <em>has led</em> to the <em>the establishment of</em> a Chinese republic, many Chinese Americans decided to return to China <em>in</em> hopes of a bright future <em>there</em></p>
<p>question 4.Traffic was heavy, so by the time Brianne finally <em>arrived at</em> the theater, we <em>waited</em> for her foran hour, <em>missing</em> the <em>entire</em> first act of the play</p>
<p>I APPRECIATE good explanations ;)</p>