<p>In tanman’s question, “being passed” is a gerund phrase–acting as a noun–so it needs a possessive noun to modify it. Thus, “its being passed” is perfectly grammatical. Here are some examples:</p>
<p>“I was surprised by her jumping into the pool.”</p>
<p>In the above sentence, the focus of the sentence is that I was surprised by the jumping, not by the girl who did the jumping. Whose jumping? “Her jumping.”</p>
<p>“She didn’t like his being late.”</p>
<p>In the above sentence, she didn’t like the fact that he was late; she didn’t dislike the man himself. So she didn’t like the “being late.” Whose being late? “His being late.”</p>
<p>By the same token, “its being passed” is grammatical in question #34.</p>
<p>Check out Silverturtle’s grammar guide. It explains this subject quite well.</p>