SAT Writing questions.

<p>This one is a bit confusing</p>

<p>Contrasting with most other fifteenth-century rulers, Portuguese kings could count on the support of the aristocracy in any oversease venutures.</p>

<p>The answer is "Contrasting with". Im gonna assume that it has to be In contrast to, but what is wrong with Contrasting with??</p>


<p>Quick to take advantage of Mealnie Johnson's preoccupation in the history of the Johnson family, the genealogist proposed investigating that history - for a large fee.</p>

<p>Why is "preocuppation in" the wrong answer??? I thought it would be either "that" or No error, and I chose that. </p>


<p>Growing up in a family where music was a daily part of life, Steve and Rick shared a determination to become singing duos known nationwide.</p>

<p>"to become singing duos" is right but is "of becoming singing duo" gramatically wrong?</p>

<p>Learn idioms</p>

<p>Because the Portuguese kings are not contrasting with anything.</p>

<p>Because it’s preoccupation with, not preoccupation in.</p>

<p>One is determined to do something, not determined of becoming something. It should be, “Steve and Rick shared a determination to become a singing duo known nationwide.”</p>

<p>@dchow: I have no idea what your third explanation is trying to say, but I just figured the duos part was wrong because two people do not become duos, they become a duo (was that what you were trying to convey?).</p>

<p>Yes; Steve and Rick aren’t trying to become “duos,” but rather " a duo."</p>