SAT Writing thread

<p>C - misanthrope… curmudgeon, since a misanthrope is a hater of all mankind.
I put like as well for the Internet, but I felt like both as and like could work…</p>

<p>yeah the like and as messed with me</p>

<p>why are you guys discussing CR in this thread…</p>

<p>anyone remember questions from passage in writing section??</p>

<p>Why did you get for the one that had the choices each of which has and each of which have, I put each of which has.</p>

<p>The only writing question that I had a problem with was the one on the last section that went something like:
Never have people relied on technology for everything (as) they do with the internet.</p>

@ dtt which has since there was a ‘every’ so it was singular.</p>

<p>@Dtt9408- I think the answer is each of them has</p>

<p>I thought it was each of which has…(like 90% sure)</p>

<p>^I also put “which has”, and “as”.</p>

<p>@whecks123 was there a choice that had “each of which has” or did I just remember it wrong</p>

<p>Another one (I know its not exact, but it was #27 on the writing section)</p>

<p>Hedgehogs have spikes on their back, and their bellies (are) covered with soft fur.</p>

<p>I dont remember the other answer choices but ‘are’ was the only one that stuck out at me. I put no error but I feel like I got it wrong.</p>

<p>There was an error in the hedgehog one. Idr the answer exactly, but I think it was S/V agreement.</p>

<p>wasnt that one supposed to be their backs? so back was the incorrect one?</p>

<p>Yea, Noun Number agreement, Hedgehogs=Backs :)</p>

<p>FUU No! Well hopefully I get a good essay score, and the internet one is ‘as’ and not ‘like’</p>

<p>yeah backs for hedge
i think i had 2 no errors, maybe 3
were there more? :(</p>

<p>Hey guys what was the one that started with “Had” and had something about eroding and a river? Was there an error in that question?</p>

<p>Osborn question and Wildlife Park question, please!</p>

<p>I had 4 NEs</p>

<p>Yeah I had about the same number of NE’s. Writing section was fairly easy, cr was aight but could have done better. 1st math section was a dissapointment.</p>

<p>Im about to go on an answers rampage for the writing. Well not really.</p>

<p>for the South American country’s one - which has
DNA - That of (since it has to be parallel to that of earlier in the sentence)
variety shows - vareity shows had musicians, blah, and performers in other areas (paralellism)
the one about movie/theater/whatever it was -it was also (something like that) not but also because cause of word e ness
Indus artifacts show
somekind of animal that starts with n - it was subj v agreement
odors - it was IT (should have been them)</p>

<h1>29 - It was e (the sentence was parallel to blah blah to blah blah)</h1>