<p>I don't get my SATII scores back for a little while. But I don't think I'm going to do well on my Biology SATII (I took the class two years ago and it didn't cover all of the stuff on the test.) I also took the ACT and am waiting for those scores. If I do well on the ACTs but not on my SATIIs, or at least better, will Tufts accept ACT in place of SATIIs? I've looked at their website, but it's unclear to me whether I can do SAT+ACT instead of SAT+SATII. On the website, they say if you take ACT w/ writing, you don't have to take SATIIs, but they have them separated under 2 plans (SAT+SATII OR ACT w/ writing). Tufts already has my SAT official score report; can I just send my ACT scores and not my SATIIs to satisfy the requirements, or will they disregard my SAT scores and just look at ACT if I do that...that would be bad because my SAT scores are really really good.</p>
<p>LIke it says - SAT + SAT II OR ACT w/ writing. SAT + ACT is not one of those options. I would assume that if you now only send your ACT and never send your SAT II that yes they should disregard your SAT scores. I would say either send ACT only or send everything. D has different situation and is sending all. Her ACT and SAT II are strong and SAT I good but not spectacular. (BTW she is not applying to Tufts but brother is there)</p>
<p>No need to worry! When you took biology will be pretty easy to see on your transcript, so it won’t come as a great shock if you pull down less than perfect marks on the bio SAT II after a 2 year hiatus from the material. Not only that, but freshman/sophomore courses usually cover less material, so we’ll be aware that even if that material was as fresh today as it was when you finished, you still had a hurdle to overcome. And if all else fails… </p>
<p>Just send everything - you really can’t go wrong with this option. </p>
<p>If your SAT IIs really end up being that bad, we’ll have the option of using the ACT instead. If your SAT IIs look good (or even just ok and your SATs look great), then we’ll be able to look at that. There isn’t any downside to sending everything, so releasing all the scores is the simplest way to handle this without needing to fret over the individual pieces of the puzzle.</p>