<p>I just got my Dec sat subject scores today. I got 330 for Literature and i highly suspect that it was because i filled in the bubbles wrongly. My other sat subject scores are 800 and 730. Can someone advise me on what to do? I have called Collegeboard and the guy was not helpful at all and apparently my scores will be, or have already been sent to the schools of my choice. I am freaking out and have no idea what to do now. Is it advisable for me to write a letter to the schools i am applying to about the problem I have?</p>
<p>omg i have the same problem,and i just got my rejection letter today from nyu =/</p>
<p>Do you still have time to retake the test?</p>
<p>Yeah i do but its a crazy score 330?! I would want to take SAT1 in Jan and get my 2200+ :(</p>
<p>Yeah i forgot to add that the schools I am applying to look at 2 Sat Subjects. Will a letter of explanation do? Or should i contact the adcom immediately about my problem?</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure the scores have already been sent so my advice would be to either:</p>
<li>Explain it in your college applications.</li>
<li>Retake it.</li>
<p>Thank you!!! I think will choose the first option… :S oh man.</p>
<p>Ahh im still freaking out over it!! are there any other way? collegeboard help? omg ;____;</p>
<p>Hey, I’m a new member…what do you think my chances of getting in ANY college at all?! =(</p>
<p>Sat Scores
<p>Gpa- 4.0 unweighted and weighted 4.0</p>
<p>Took all honors classes and 2 AP
Lots of extracurricular activities and leadership positions
Many community service hours as well!</p>
<p>PLEASE HELP ME!!!</p>
<p>omg…! did you filled in the blanks too :S ahh its 3am here and i cant sleep :S.
I would advise you to take it again in Jan, if you do not have the subjects to take… I dont know if im much of a help in this confused and shocked state of mind :S:S:S:S</p>
<p>im so devastated =(</p>
<p>thejoymovement, do not worry about it, the college will only count your 2 best scores anyway and those are great.
I know of someone last year who also had a terrible score (also in 300s), also in lit, where he walked out halfway through. (he was not prepared and did not take Lit AP, just wanted to take the SAT but realized his misjudgment during exam). He was ultimately accepted to an Ivy.
As long as you have the two good ones, you’ll be ok, colleges will assume there was something unusual if all your other scores/grades are good.</p>
<p>me too ahhh
the only solace is the prolly the fact that many schools still do accept Jan Sats… at the ones i applying do.
<p>thank you for your reply Sequoia! That was really helpful… but I still dont think i’ll be able to sleep tonight :(</p>