SATs Cal Poly Pomona Engineering vs UC Davis, UC Irvine or UC Santa Barbara (?)

The stats for SATs (math and reading) in 2015 were:

Cal Poly Pomona Engineering 1178*
UC Irvine 1260
UC Davis 1288
UC Santa Barbara 1294

*However, Cal Poly Pomona’s number is only those who actually enrolled vs the UCs who report ALL who were accepted. Where can we find the real SAT scores to those who actually enrolled at those UCs? I think that would be a better comparison. I think they would be closer to each other. The same goes for GPA. Thanks!

CP SLO is probably a more appropriate comparison. The admission threshold at CPP is not nearly as high as those other campuses. I am not sure why it is important… you can get an outstanding education at all of these schools.

Also a CSU, CPP’s number is dragged down its mandate to prefer local applicants.