GPA: 4.02W
Rank: Top 10%
SAT I: 1510/2180
SAT II: US History 770, Physics 770, Bio E 750
EC's: Not a lot, but those that were there were uniquely attached to film</p>
<p>houston, texas
gpa: 4.74 w
rank: 65/852
sat I: 1440/2140
sat II: math 2 - 670, lit - 740, us hist - 620
ecs: band for 2 years, deca for 1, literary circle for 1, uhh a few other things, nothing special</p>
<p>Location: Philadelphia area
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.833 W
Rank: 3/362
SAT I: 2150 (740 M, 710 V, 700 W)
SAT II: 800 Math Level 2, 710 Literature
EC's: Huge weakness. 9th Mock Trials, 10th Amnesty International.</p>
<p>Gallatin has Saturday at the Square on the same day. Does anyone know if we'll be allowed to mingle or will the two different schools kind of be kept apart?</p>
<p>Holy ****, I got one, and my informants at Tisch tell me that it means you're definitely in! I've been dancing for the past hour. I'll see you guys on the 8th!</p>