Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else - Venting Thread, College Edition

Since both the [Parent Cafe]( and the [High School Forum]( has one, I figured it would be best to create one here, since neither are really the place for college venting. :wink:

The rules are simple:

  1. No replying to other people
  2. Follow all the College Confidential Terms of Service

So, whatever you need to air your grievances about, or just rant and vent, here’s the place. Hope it helps!

I could get better academic advising for course registration from a random passerby on the street than the honors advisors at my college…

Remind me never to discuss politics or religion with you again. I was doing my best to be courteous and respectful of your beliefs, but you out and out called me a fool and derided me for my beliefs. Not cool, dude.

The kitchen and bathrooms in the house I share with some other upperclassmen are disgusting. I know that some people never had to do chores growing up, but when there are bugs crawling around the food-encrusted dishes and empty toilet paper rolls hanging in the bathrooms… Really? I thought I was done with that nonsense when I moved out of the dorms…

If you are going to spend the money on lobster tails for a special dinner, wouldn’t it make sense to look up how to properly cook them?

You got an A in quantum physics and you can’t figure out how to wash your own dishes or take out the trash on the assigned day?

:x :x :x :x the homework you assign that the TAs grade :x :x :x :x :x :x :x harshly and :x :x :x :x the :x :x :x :x :x :x talk you give us to sway us from giving you a bad review on our course evaluations. Also, :x :x :x :x the only B I had this semester, which you gave me you…

We disagreed on the Black Lives Matter movement. I couldn’t care less whether or not you agree with me; it’s the fact that you called me a hypocritical, illiterate, chauvinistic bigot. I said literally nothing to even make you think that. All I said was that people who think blacks should get over “nonexistent” racism shouldn’t be allowed to vote. But you just screamed your head off at me, blasting #AllLivesMatter like a damn fool, and then cried about a “lack of a civil disagreement”. I gave you a two-week window to apologize, but on the last day before break you just walked right past me. In reality, I shouldn’t have even given you a single day. I thought we were gonna be friends when school started, and it sure looked like that for a little bit. Instead, I have you blocked literally EVERYWHERE. Safe to say that I lost all respect for you; when you lose that, it’s gone for good. Your lack of emotional maturity signals that you only got in because your uncle is the Dean of Admissions. But that’s none of my business sips tea

I don’t understand what I did wrong. I thought when I met you we’d get along well since we had similar interests, but I guess that wasn’t the case at all. I guess I should have known it was a bad idea to room with you when you never messaged first over the summer, and only responded with 3 word answers. I’ve always been kind of shy, but I made a real effort to get to know you, and I feel like I didn’t get that in return: I cared a lot about your interests, but you didn’t care about me at all. When you entered the room, I always made sure to at least say, “what’s up” and sometimes ask about your day, but when I entered the room I never even got a hello, even when I was away for an entire weekend. I also kept the room clean, and so did you. The worst was when you had friends over: not only did you make sure to not even include me in your conversations, you also tried to preclude me from taking the beer in the fridge. All this was a huge slap in the face, and to my knowledge I didn’t do anything to warrant being disrespected like that.

The worst part was that I found out you were moving out because I got a message from a kid in INDIA who said he was going to be my roommate for Spring 2016. You moved out without telling me or giving me an explanation why - are you kidding me? Luckily one of my friends was unhappy with his roommate and was willing to move in, so this actually is a blessing in disguise. Still, I never thought the relationship was bad enough that you felt you had to move out a semester early - if it was, then why didn’t you at least tell me what the issue was so I could have fixed it? Maybe I should have brought up my concerns, too, but I never thought the relationship was that bad. I wanted to say goodbye to you and say sorry the roommate thing didn’t work out, but then I find that I’m blocked on all forms of social media. Again, are you kidding me - what did I do to warrant this? Now I’m just left hanging and I don’t know how I can be a better roommate next semester.

Talk about immature, no wonder you go to my rival college! :wink:

I know this has been vented about many times before, but…textbooks.

For how much I’m paying, they should put me in a 5 star hotel… or get better wi-fi so I can actually submit my online homework ffs.

I thought there was no foreign language in engineering until I heard the words that the professor had uttered and the language used on the blackboard.

Apparently Rhode Island PBS doesn’t air Downton Abbey at the same time as every other PBS station??? Not like that was the ONE thing I was looking forward to all day >:(

You would think that the amount of endowment this university has, there would be sufficient student parking.

I understand that a lot of students don’t do assigned course readings (for whatever reason - not enough time, apathy, different priorities, etc.) but it is really annoying being the only person in class to have done the 60 page course reading and hear the girl in front of me literally brag about not doing it. It’s only the second week of class…

Can I just buy a better grade already?

This is going to make me sound like a big jerk, but there’s this girl in my math class that has started coming to class in a black peacoat and a black hat that you would see a pilgrim wearing. She reminds me of those kids from Children of the Corn. :))

Just once, could you try to have a little empathy? I’m not a problem you need to fix. This is why our relationship is so strained.

You’re at least a sophomore in college and it’s a Monday, the week before finals, so you better not be drunk. HOW CAN YOU REPEATEDLY SET OFF THE FIRE ALARM FOR OUR ENTIRE EFFING APARTMENT BUILDING BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO TAKE FOOD OUT OF THE EFFING MICROWAVE?