Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

So, I thought that it might be nice if high school students could have a place to just vent about life. There is already a version of this thread in the Parent Cafe, but some parents thought it would be better if us high schoolers had our own thread. And thus, this thread was born! (The old version of this thread from 2013 was closed, so we need this new one.)

Anyway, the point of this thread is to give people a place to post something that allows them to just vent about something, “get it off their chest.” You can post whatever you need to vent about, and other posters won’t respond, but you will be able to have a release.

I know a lot of people post in specific class groups about their problems, but it might be nice to have a place to vent about anything (school, college apps, or just life) without having any responses.

Here are the rules.

  1. No replying to other people
  2. Follow all the College Confidential Terms of Service

Hope that this is therapeutic for everyone!

Here’s the original for a better explanation:

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I’ll start.

I want you to know that our friendship is officially over. I know that our fight was mostly my fault (even though your actions were completely reprehensible), but I tried to make up after that. I have been nothing but kind and nice the entire time since. But, you don’t feel like making any effort to repair this friendship. It takes two to tango, you know.

After what you said to me today, there is no way this relationship can be salvaged. I finally see you as the nasty, spiteful person you really are, and I no longer want to associate with you. Don’t be surprised when I don’t help you out on Monday. I don’t plan on speaking to you unless it is absolutely necessary. Hope you’re happy.

Why do you people think you’re cool? You’re carbon copies of the others. And stop hating on LGBTQ+ people and atheists. I know this is Tennessee and it’s a stereotype, but chill out.

ucla sucks
phoenix suns suck
arsenal y u got so many injuries

also i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school i hate school

Seriously, some people, teachers and students alike, make school awful for others, especially those who have confusing profile pictures.

Why aren’t I in college already!?!?!?!?!

Could I plz get a good education without the drama, fakeness, stress, monotonous nature of “school?”

Why cant I stop procrastinating… I know its only hurting me I cant stop :frowning:

Why cant my English teacher bump up my 89.4% ;(

I will probably be back for more…

To the “friend” who didn’t reply to a chat when I was seriously venting and really could have used some support:
I would have forgiven you for not responding to my texts for a week. But now it’s been months. What do you have to say for yourself? I’m so insulted. You’re so ungrateful and your “woe is me” act is getting old, fast. Why would you complain about having no friends when you’re so unfriendly and self-serving? Why complain ehrn you get annoyed at and distance yourself from the few friends you have?
Goodbye, fake friend. We’re all better off without you.

Why would you give us such a plot-filled cliffhanger and leave us until January without an episode. Do you not like us? :(( :(( : (( :((

This could go on for forever.

My dear French teacher: I literally have a C in your class, and if I don’t ace this midterm I’ll have a B for this year! Why is it necessary to take 10 points off for missing ONE ACCENT?!

Why must CC/HS credit policies be so confusing? Why is my GPA so bad? If it weren’t so low, I would have applied for that engineering program! Others with better GPA’s applied and got in!

A senior got into Harvard REA… He started a foundation to send supplies to impoverished kids from his parents’ homeland and a summer camp… I even checked the website and he is teaching kids English, yet you, Mr. cannot even show some decent respect towards me? What the actual **** did I do to you to deserve this? When did you get to treat me like a piece of **** and get away with it? What cosmic entity allowed this to happen?

To my parents: I’m sorry I’m not the perfect daughter, and that I mess up sometimes, but the least you could do is not yell.

Is it possible to rent servers for one day a week?

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Remember that no replies are allowed in this thread.

If you are going to be on the debate team, you better do you freakin research. That’s all I ask from you. Seriously. I hate when people just show up to practice and just do their homework. God. And then you act like you have so much homework when you really don’t. You’re only in apush, the easiest class at our school. I bet if you took calc you would be failing it so better not complain about all the crap you have to do. The rest of definitely aren’t.

Ahhhh I’m sorry I didn’t email you back or buy the helicopter and I’m worried and scared because I’m trying to make a good impression and I have no idea what to do ack help

actually if people could pm me in the next half an hour to help with writing a formal email that would be the best



Wow! You might want to know that everyone in that classroom didn’t stop talking because they were in awe of your intelligence. They were actually just shocked by the ignorance and bigotry you spouted off. I genuinely didn’t think you had it in you, but you outdid yourself

You’re in eighth grade, stop trying to be cool by heckling your principal AS SHE’S GETTING OFF THE BUS!!! I didn’t like her much, either, but whatever they’re paying her isn’t enough.

Stop double posting all the time!


I wish that it was easier to see when I’ve posted!

This isn’t venting, but thank you, orchestra teacher, for letting us play Super Smash Bros after the midterm.