Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

I couldn’t care less about my class rank, and I’m gonna take a class that I’m interested in, even if it brings my weighted GPA down…

I like studying from books too much.


i really want this!!! leadership helps me relax so much even when it’s stressing me out and god knows how much i need the free(ish) period next year!!! it’s helped me become a more outgoing and assertive person and i’m proud of myself more often now and i wish that my parents would just listen to me try to rEASON IT OUT!!!


I have a bunch of favorite people. They make me happy.



I’ve just had the worst day I’ve had in years. There were a bunch of little things that wouldn’t have made me so sad on their own but it’s a combination of so many things that has made me feel really down. :frowning:

the SHIIIIPPPP will never sail :((

Not in high school anymore, but some of the dumbest, nastiest people you’ll ever meet are in high school (not that “dumb” and “nasty” are always in tandem). This wasn’t as bad in my high school, but I know that it’s a lot more true in other schools, and definitely for me in middle school. Luckily, the college admissions process weeds out 90% of them. After that, you have so much more freedom of association, and that’s awesome.

However, there will still be bad people in college. The nice thing is that they’re fewer in number, and you usually don’t have to associate with them. The bad thing is that they’re smarter, and more insidious in their nastiness.

I can’t speak German, at least not without writing down what I plan to say in advance! How am I going to survive this interview?

I know this is hard for you but screaming and yelling isn’t the answer.

You’re the one who asked for my help. I’m just SO tired of your criticism

@ my dear friend’s mom:

She has worked SO HARD to be okay. Stop telling her she’s not.

Ugh I really don’t want to go back to school

When pretty much everyone you know wants to take the biomed class next year just because it will “look good on college admissions” and you’re the only one who is actually interested in what the class teaches…

Also, passive-aggressive classmates who wear Ivy League-related college sweatshirts almost on a daily basis and consistently happen to just “mention” about how their parents/aunt/uncle/neighbor/mailman/dog/pet fish went to Harvard/Yale/MIT/Stanford … that’s cool and all, but do you just want to go to those schools for the prestige? Apply to colleges you actually are excited about, and please dial down the snubbing of my non-legacy status. We’re all still freshmen in high school, a lot can change.

(Something that’s frustrated me for a while now.)

@thelittleswimmer I totally feel you brodawg. There’s a guy in one of the clubs I’m in who’s always wearing an Ivy Sweatshirt. (I’m pretty sure he has all 8). Also another guy in my AP Bio class last semester who talked way too much about college (to the point where one of my friends called him out on it in class).

And I totally get that “apply for prestige” thing as well. I’m a senior now, and it took me some soul searching to realize that the only real driver for me to apply to an ivy was for the name brand. Good luck on all your college process by the way-- and make sure to do some soul searching yourself.

I hope I can be Too Smol Switzerland next year. That was fun.

I feel like my friend group has slowly been dividing this past couple of months and it absolutely terrifies me. We only have a couple of months left together anyway and I don’t want my friendship group to split up before that happens :frowning:

Colleges will never see the side of me that appreciates humanities, has social anxiety, and dreams big. They only want to see the refined, perfected version of myself.


Procrastination!!! All the minutes, hours, days, weeks, lost. All this time could have been used to improve oneself.

I’m glad my parents aren’t pushing me to take AP Chem without Honors. Poor friends…