Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

Work, printer.

Iā€™m so stressed out and I feel like thereā€™s no one in my friend circle who cares. None of my friends share my ambitions or passions and none of them have the will to listen to me talk about them, let alone care about them. Itā€™s none of their faults; I just get mad that I didnā€™t think about this earlier and try to find the money to go to a private school, a better school, where Iā€™d thrive. Iā€™m just sick of being seen as this distant intellectual presence to even my closest friends, and as an object of competition to the class rank-obsessed idiots that swarm my class. Iā€™m sick of being wary about revealing my college list, or even my major, to people who would immediately resent me for being a prestige hound or someone whoā€™s failed to think about their decisions, when Iā€™ve spent hundreds of hours in the past couple years thoroughly planning my future, and theyā€™re the ones that really need to evaluate themselves.

How am I supposed to shoulder the burden of creating a play or musical when I have no prior experience? How do I write a script and how do I lead my class with this performance? I donā€™t want to be seen as inadequate or incompetent when I do mess up and in the end, I hope my classmates realize that Iā€™m also fallible and scared. I donā€™t know exactly what Iā€™m doing either and I hope everything goes all right in the endā€¦

Oh man, I hate when someone hints at telling me something, only to nullify their promise of telling me with a ā€œnever mind.ā€ Even when their change of heart or mind is logical, I canā€™t help but want to know.

How dare you. HOW DARE YOU. I donā€™t care how hormonal you are, I donā€™t care how desperate you are, I donā€™t care how single you are. At first, I was WILLING to help you. Youā€™re a jerk, but those kids are worse. I stood up for you. I tried to console you. My sole spiritual beliefs are that all life is sacred and that itā€™s best to protect and save, but donā€™t count on me caring about yours. Unbelievable. I WARNED you not to make another comment, much less a move, on my friend. Youā€™ve seen me at my angriest before, you KNOW sheā€™s my friend, and you still do something this stupid? This is unacceptable. The only reason you donā€™t have any permanent injuries yet is because I wasnā€™t there. Iā€™m mostly full of tough talk, but I would have followed through tonight. Life tip, you little SOB: never pick on a girl, especially one thatā€™s friends with me. Iā€™m so angry. Sheā€™s so scared. Youā€™ve completely ruined school dances for her. I may yell ā€œfight meā€ a lot, but I seriously would have. Youā€™re not going to be able to hear out of your left ear on Monday for all the yelling youā€™re going to get. I was willing to protect you from the jerks on our bus. Now Iā€™m not. Good luck surviving the onslaught of paperwads with staples in them, because Iā€™m not shielding you anymore. Unbelievable. You complain about my stand partner, at least he wouldnā€™t try to kiss somebody. I donā€™t care if ā€œqueensā€ are annoying, youā€™re worse. You almost moved my mild-mannered, sweet friend to the point of swearing, which she NEVER does. You angered me to the point of swearing in multiple text messages, which I almost never do. Youā€™re lucky sheā€™s not pugnacious.

I shouldnā€™t be coming here every day. I should tell people in my life how I feel. But I donā€™t, and Iā€™m upset that I donā€™t. And Iā€™m tired of feeling, and Iā€™m tired of everything, and I hate that I miss you, and I hate that I feel scared to be the first to show affection. Iā€™m tired and I thought I would never get another panic attack but I had another one today and I just want it to stop and I just want to be okay again.

In the Parent Cafe version of this thread, the helpful button = hugs. Like this post if youā€™re comfortable with that; if enough people do so, we could implement that as a way to communicate support while staying within the rules of this thread.

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Well, youā€™re leaving me too. But better now than later. Better now, when I still am not in love with you, when Iā€™m still guarded, than later, when I will have undoubtedly have been in love with you for a long while.

You can never be ready for something like this. The heart fractures along the same lines each time, it seems.

But maybe Iā€™m already used to this. Even though it hurts the same way, perhaps even more.

do you ever just regret things youā€™ve done in the past?

i regret being disorganized and a disaster in sixth grade and having to go to algebra ia instead of algebra ib.

i regret not studying more in ninth grade history so i could have been put into ap euro instead of cp history

i regret not picking up extra electives ninth grade because now i could have my art requirement done by now instead of filling up my already busy schedule to meet my art requirements.

i regret not quitting swimming earlier because i could have discovered my passions a lot earlier

i regret not trying to be happier

i regret so much sometimes

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7:20 is a terrible start time.

most of my life is going so good; i have the best friends i could have asked for, good grades, and iā€™m accomplishing so much this year. Iā€™m so happyā€¦ until i get home. Of course, the worse part of my life, the only cause of my sadness, self-hatred, any ill feelings, is the part i canā€™t escape. Iā€™ve thought it over, and thereā€™s nothing i can do to escape except wait until i graduate and go off to college. sometimes i lay in my bed at night in fear that youā€™ll just decide itā€™s too much, that you never wanted children, that it would be better to just leave or ā€œtake us out of this worldā€. Youā€™ve told us you regret having us as children. I believe you. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that you could seriously harm one of us. Sometimes iā€™m scared iā€™ll die young at your hand. You donā€™t care anymore. You feel no remorse for what you do to us. You think youā€™re justified. I hate being at home. I hate being around you. And i hate that i need you so much, and love you so much, because youre my only parent. I need you but i need to get away from you. Itā€™s ripping me apart. When your gone at work itā€™s easier to forgot the constant shouting, deriding, you pointing out my flaws, my weight, my acne. The hitting. But when your around, itā€™s easier to remember. Maybe our relationship will be better when i go away to college. But youā€™ll still be the same person, and youā€™ll never see what you are doing you us might ruin our lives, mom.
The worse part is i think iā€™m becoming numb. I donā€™t feel it anymore, and i donā€™t know if itā€™s because iā€™ve come to terms with my life and iā€™m happy or something much scarier.
How could you do this to your own children? I will never understandā€¦

I wish I could get over a person as easily as you.
You probably need a few talks with your guy friends, a few high-intensity sessions of playing Melee, and boom, the feelings are out of your system.
I wish you could forget me, too. A little bit.
I donā€™t know. Today is going to be really hard. I canā€™t talk about this with my friends either, because I wouldnā€™t be able to handle them caring, then going back into indifference; it takes a span of months, maybe even years for me to adopt that same casual indifference that others have toward people.
I hate this, too. I hope itā€™s not awkward, because truth be told, you were and are the first person I think of when something good (or bad) happens to me - the first person I want to tell. Now that weā€™re not talking after school anymore, I wonā€™t be able to do that. Iā€™m too proud to cave and admit that I want to continue, even though I know that I need to stop talking to you after school (itā€™ll help me focus, anyway). Besides, I was the one that you had to hurt; Iā€™m not about to guilt-trip you into making you talk to me after school when you were never invested in it all that much anyway.

God, I just -
I just, I know that I was falling in love with you. I might as well say it here because Iā€™m sure as hell never going to admit nor say it in real life.

Time to put on some Childish Gambino and deal with this shit.

When your whole squad forgets about you and leaves you behind :ā€™(

How would I describe myself? Initially amicable, later passionate, vulgar, and protective.

I feel like Iā€™ve created an entirely fake persona just to get into college, and I donā€™t actually know who I am. On my application I seem so sure of myself and I come off as confident and accomplished, but in real life I have no idea what is going on like 99% of the time.

I don't know what you want from me but you better figure it out fast.

I wish things were different between us.

I donā€™t know anymore ahhh.
Iā€™m really anxious about riding with someone I barely know (well, someone in my Leadership class) to school tomorrow just because I get so afraid when I know I have to have conversation with someone and everyone is terrifying to me and I need to show up tomorrow morning but itā€™s just scary for me to talk to people

Stop bumping threads from 2009. This may come as a shock, but OP hasnā€™t been on this website in over 6 years and will probably never return.

Also, whyā€™d you yell at that poster? They were being courteous, unlike you.

is it too late now to say sorry?

after valentineā€™s day i promise iā€™ll be fine -

i promise i wonā€™t miss you anymore, i promise iā€™ll stop hoping, i promise iā€™ll stop being the one who cares too much


i need to control my anxiety i need to stop overthinking things and i need to stop freaking out -

i got a 12/20 on my latest assignment for chem and iā€™m pretty sure i did that one on the day sat scores came out, the day that i couldnā€™t stop shaking -

i havenā€™t been able to stop shaking for prolonged periods of time - except when iā€™m sleeping - for the past two days and i just, i need to be okay