Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I really resent my bookmarks being gone.


Well, I am old! We’ve stepped back to teeny tiny print. And it’s a pain.


Where are my PMs? This is all but unusable on my iPad.


I am starting to get used to this, but every forum needs an alert that such things as PM’s, bookmarks, avatar pictures are coming back eventually. and how to bookmark etc. It does take some flailing around.

OTOH, I figured out how to flag an advertising post by a brand new poster that bumped a thread over a year old. Does that mean old threads are no longer closed? That could be useful.


Interesting. You can download your entire CC post history from Preferences>Activity>Download All, so you can take your site capital with you when you leave.



You could always flag posts on locked threads. This is not new.

The announcement that PMs, boommatks, and avatars still need to migrate was posted by Sorin elsewhere.

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I’ve been playing around a bit this morning and I’m not sure what all the complaining is about. I’ve bookmarked a couple new threads and changed my avatar. It doesn’t seem that difficult to figure out to me.

The only problem I have had is with the scrolling on long threads. I went to one thread that I’ve got bookmarked and that I read regularly. It opened to a post from 2017. I eventually did scroll to the present day but that was a lot of work. I couldn’t figure out any good way to skip through the thousands of old posts. Also, I usually use an iPad so no keyboard is showing when you aren’t typing a reply so the suggestion to hit the # key doesn’t work.

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Hmm, I looked up the Kraken from the movie. Are you aware that it was on the side of Hades (the evil side) and lost having gotten turned into stone? I didn’t look up the original myth, but I bet it was similar.

Seems pretty odd to want to use that as a slogan, but then again I don’t understand a lot of the conspiracy things you try to explain to me. Someday I am so tempted to ask you your thoughts about Flat Earth. Are you aware that Hollywood’s productions and real life are different? The vast majority of shows out there aren’t documentaries, but fiction - even some “based” upon a true story.

Please @skieurope explain the above post- it was deleted by thumper but at the top right it has a pencil and an arrow to your name. What does that all mean?

@jym626 The arrow means she was responding to me. For whatever reason, the post deleted as she tried to edit. Which is just as well as this is a no reply thread. She handled her question to me via PM.

Since I am already breaking the rules, I will add that I locked the thread that @Marilyn referenced and forwarded the issue to the admins.

Pandemic 2020.
Suspected pre-testing gastrointestinal Covid.
Basement sewage backup.
Grandchild’s father died.
Cat died.
Protracted battles with city and insurance company.
Mother died.
Hair falling out.
Welcome 2021, even if baldheaded.


You do not have the experience you’d like us to think. It was one rookie year
and happened 9 years ago. And your current business is too new to judge success.


So you still really want to compare this to the flu? I looked up the latest PA data for you. So far this season in PA there have been 426 cases of the flu confirmed to date. 11 of those had to be hospitalized, and one died.

That’s for the season to date as of 11/21.

Saturday’s figures with Covid in our state (since we don’t report on Sunday) there were 8053 new cases and 41 new deaths. 2904 are hospitalized with 864 in the ICU.

That’s one day, not the season.

Yeah, sounds very similar to me. (sigh)


Dear God, please make him shut up.


Oh, Thanksgiving is over and just came here to take a look. This is dreadful. Been putting up with changes for 17 years. have no idea if I’m even replying to the end of the thread, or to the last poster on the thread. This is terrible. Really awful. Why am I seeing everything in the box and also next to it as I type??? This is just, just terrible. Makes me really sad. Apologies to Frazzle if this is showing up as a ‘reply’ to you–I don’t see any other box to post on. Soooo frustrating.


Wait. “Discobot”??? Tutorials??? You’ve got to be freaking kidding me. What is this–1996?


Amistad means friendship. It is the name of a slave ship on which a revolt for freedom took place. How dare you co-opt that word for your purposes, which are neither intended to be friendly nor to honor the legacy of those who longed for their freedom?

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Well, one thing I like about this update is that if you “watch” all your bookmarked threads, all new posts appear in your e-mail so you can keep up with those threads without having to use the site.


You are a morbidly obese diabetic. You have NO business taking the risks you are taking just because you need to “get out of the house.” We all need to get out of the house! We’re all sick of it. Your saying, “I’ve been doing __________ for a month and haven’t had any issues,” is so lacking in logic that I feel as though my head could explode! I’ve always known you were stupid, but this takes the cake.


I’m disappointed in a lot of people today.