Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I feel like swearing like a sailor. Our town went from a property tax payment schedule of four times a year to two times a year. So obviously, each of the two payments is twice as much as the previous payment was. But my mortgage company thinks I’m paying the increased payment four times a year. They get the tax bill from my town. The amount due and the due dates are clearly indicated. The guy I talked to seemed to understand what I was saying. He asked for copies of the tax bill, so I emailed him 2023 and 2022. But an “Escalation Manager” just called and said the tax department reviewed the situation and said I owe the increased amount four times a year. They think my taxes doubled in one year. It’s unbelievable. I was very curt with the manager. I told him I will be contacting the Attorney General’s office if they can’t get this straightened out. I am so furious.


To paraphrase from one of my favorite shows, I see you chose pathetic and frightened.

Oh, wow! I just heard that the beautiful community college campus a few minutes from my house is closing. I can’t believe it. There are a couple other campuses, but before Covid, this campus’s parking lot was always packed. I’m sure that the school scheduled classes in a manner that led them to be able to justify closing it … but of all the campuses, this one is in the most residential area. There go the hills and trees … and here come the hideous cookie cutter houses.


Well, one of the few good things brought on by the pandemic has come to an end…just had my doorbell rung by door-to-door religious proselytizers for the first time in three years.


It cracks me up that we have a warm stretch and people think it will never be cold again. It’s -20, real temperature, at our house. The top of Mount Washington in New Hampshire is -45, real temperature with a windchill of -106. That is an all-time American record for windchill (includes Alaska).


Hello??? Supervisors?? Moderators? Can we get some more emojis for the quick reply element? We have all kinds still available here in the reply box. Thank you.
Hugs. Wow. Sad.

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Billy Idol’s ‘Dancing with Myself’ comes to mind.

Using my prerogative to respond on a no-response thread.

Feel free to add your requests on this thread:

But also know that this is far above the moderators’ pay grade. :grin:


I really liked the commercials. Until I found out who was behind them. Now I realize that the message I thought they were spreading is not what I thought.


-104 at the top of Mount Washington tonight. Coldest it has ever been recorded in the US. :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:


Sad to be leaving our oceanfront unit and moving to a poolside today, but happy we are not dealing with any deep freeze. We’ve been here a week with 0 rain, and only Weds this coming week is showing chance of rain. Hard to complain.


This constant illness is really getting to me. I had to cancel more than half of my psychotherapy sessions this week, and I feel like s%%%. FU, long covid.


Today’s a day I want to grab my H and (adult) kids telling them how much I love them and if they ever feel hurt, please speak about it to someone.

Of course, I’ve already done that with H and one kid. Will soon be talking with the other two.

One puts a lot of things on a higher priority when they learn a neighbor’s twenty something married kid just killed herself having highly planned it out, but letting no one know of the hurt she was feeling to cause her to do so.

There are no words one can give to a friend experiencing this. It’s just pure heartache. :broken_heart:

To anyone else out there, depression is real, but it can be helped. Talk with people. Let them know. You think you’re hurting no one and others will go on fine without you, but that’s not true. Not even close to true.


Watching a little of the Grammy red carpet. I don’t care what people wear and I’m pretty open to lots of looks but the whole vibe of these interviews is WILD.

Also the interviewing hosts :flushed:

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I need to not get so worked up over things I can’t control. Smile and nod, and murmur how awful things are for you when it all comes crashing down. You have zero intention of taking advice or counsel from anyone.

I don’t care what you wear, but I will definitely laugh!


Contemplating fourth brain surgery. Yes, I “know what it means.”


One actual plus for an otherwise sad day.

Called medical son to let him know about our neighbors, and after sharing the bad news, asked about the rest of his day. He was able to catch a youngster’s misdiagnosed bacterial meningitis seemingly in time to save their life (don’t know the end of the story yet). Another set of parents is really, really thankful right now, though undoubtedly still worried.

To anyone else out there, if something doesn’t seem right and things aren’t improving, go back and insist on seeing someone more aligned to the specialty (in this case, neurology due to seizures). No one is perfect. Doing nothing would have led to death.

My brain is fried for the day from this morning, but at least some of the later news should end up good.


I really hope you get this job. It sounds right up your alley and blends your education with the work you’ve been doing recently. And GOOD FOR YOU for asking for a salary that reflects your abilities! And yes, keeping the PT gig because the boss is a good friend and because they truly need you is OK. It’s also a safety net if the new job isn’t a good fit after all, and you’d be able to stuff it all in the bank.

So proud of you and the hard work you’ve done to get to this good place.


Striking a state off my vacation list - and off our college list - seems silly, because it makes absolutely no impact.

Except to me: I don’t get to go to the one place I can afford to go to in the winter.

But I have to do this. I just can’t with Florida anymore.