Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

If I weren’t nearly bald, this would be my theme song:

But I can still dream, can’t I? :man_bald:

Grouchy person on the neighborhood facebook page: It was nice to see a positive post for a change, in contrast to your usual complaining. Glad you were sharing what you felt was a good rate for the senior citizen pricing for the newspaper delivery. When I asked if your rate was monthly, quarterly or annual, your nasty snark back (“are you kidding??? You think this was annual??”) was unnecessary. Was just asking for clarification since you didn’t indicate it, and it turns out… We pay less than half of your “great” rate :rofl:


Boy am I stupid.
I have been having some neuropathy issues in my feet. Wife decides to make an appointment with a podiatrist for me. I go. While there he asks if I’d like him to trim my toenails. I said sure. Well yours truly had no idea trimming my nails was a 3 minute $174 surgery. Might as well accompany the wife when she gets a pedicure. They have lots better rates.

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Living in a new city means finding lots of new people. Love my new stylist and our fun discussions of food & entertainment. Today he told me about a new produce market where he claimed I could pick up homegrown tomatoes already. I stopped there on the way home and sure enough found some good looking tomatoes & some sourdough bread, so tomorrow I will be eating my favorite summer lunch of a BLT sandwich. Turns out being 2 hours southeast of where I spent most of my life means some extra daylight in the summer and earlier access to summer produce, so today was a real win with a good haircut and homegrown tomatoes!


Graffiti is “protected speech”? Oh my.


RIP Daniel Ellsberg.


Karma. It’s a good thing. :slight_smile:

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I wish we had more choices for PCPs, doc, because we’d leave your practice in a heartbeat. It took ages to get you to take his symptoms seriously, and over a month to get the MRI scheduled after the initial scan indicated a likely problem. The promised 24 hr. results took three days, and then you told him about the mass and your referral to the cancer center via your patient portal messaging instead of a phone call. Did you skip the seminar on compassionate care? Even my dermatologists have called me when biopsies showed skin cancers; this is more serious. I guess you couldn’t bill Medicare for a phone call.

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It’s almost over.

There will be tears . . .

and an overwhelming sense of relief.

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Geez, organizers of the county recycling event- we have been in line for an hour and still not close to the entrance. The lines are ridiculous. We are in an electric car, but there are a lot of ICE vehicles burning fuel and polluting. Ironic much?


No doubt some found your costume appropriate. I’m not one of them. The others looked stunning though.

We are now at 3 hours since we left the house and still haven’t made it to the end point to recycle the hazardous waste stuff. The County Board member at the entrance asked us to email our commissioner to ask for more of these to be scheduled. We happily did since we have had so much time to kill sitting in the car!!

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KGLW is the best! :lizard:

I am one word away from Queen Bee. I thought, “Fine. I’ll just use one of those word unscramblers to get that last one and be done for the day.” I know what the word starts with and how long it is. Guess what? I’ve tried TWO word unscramblers and neither of them comes up with a seven-letter word that starts with n so now I know it’s probably some really dumb, obscure word that I’ll never get. I can’t even CHEAT my way to Queen Bee! lol


I still read several “soap opera” style comics every day. The current Mary Worth is so upsetting to me I may have to stop. This is one where I’m not sure everything will turn out okay in the end.

Happy Father’s Day to skidad, skigranddads, skibisabuelo, as well as to all CC fathers, step-fathers, and father figures.


Incompetence, inefficiency and apathy are alive and well. A full day of phone calls and emails and no one has done what they’re supposed to be doing. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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When you know more than most of the endocrinologists about your own condition, that’s a bit of a problem.


He is not a bad person. But, he doesn’t go out of his way for you. I would want somebody who would go out of their way for me. Somebody who wouldn’t even hear of letting you take a train and get home 2 1/2 hours later, when he could drive you in 45 minutes. (And the entire trip was for his family wedding.)

Also, what did he mean by you did well with his family? Of course, you did well, you are a lovely, smart, personable woman. I understand you were nervous meeting so many new people, but I am sure you were charming.

And not ever driving into the city where you live (only taking the train). Well, there are times you need somebody with a car, since you don’t have one. Would be nice to be able to rely on him to help in those situations.

I just don’t know. You have been together forever. He is not the one. Neither of you treat the other like they are your soulmate.

2 posts were split to a new thread: Thoughts on the Titan submersible incident?