Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

“I never thought I would see a time that so many people are so afraid of dying that they are willing to stop living.” A quote I saw this morning. Makes me sad.


Clearly, you don’t care if anyone in your large family (that you gathered for the first time in several years) gets COVID-19. I just hope none of you give it to anyone else. So selfish, and obviously pretty proud of flouting the Governor’s orders. Again, you do you … but know that you may take out others who aren’t as cavalier about it as you are.


Good to know I’m “basic.” Thanks, CC, for the ego deflation.


Thank you so much to all the kids (and parents) who decided wearing face masks and abiding by the restrictions on large group gatherings over Thanksgiving break couldn’t possibly apply to them. Neither did the school’s request to self-quarantine after the break if you couldn’t abide by those guidelines. Much appreciated. :angry:

Today’s fun tidbits. (I work in an office of 10 people. Two have already had covid. I am the only one who wears a mask regularly. Two others will wear them when they leave their cubicle now.) One co-worker’s wife, who is a nurse, is running a fever and has a runny nose. He’s been told to stay home until she gets her test result back. Another co-worker informed everyone that his son has been quarantined from school, but “He’s fine. He doesn’t have it.” Meanwhile, this co-worker is as hoarse as he can be and sniffling up a storm. Joy. And a third co-worker, who quarantined for 2 weeks due to a fever, cough, and sore throat came back yesterday. He supposedly had a negative covid test at some point, but is still coughing CONSTANTLY all day long. None of these three co-workers will ever wear a mask. Whee!!!

Just another day in Covid Land. And people wonder why I don’t want to be all happy and Christmasy here this year. If I bang my head against the wall over and over, I don’t suppose that will give me some immunity?

Edit - Just heard that the co-worker with the nurse wife sick in bed awaiting test results has been told by the “Power that Be” to come back to work despite not having test results back. Ugh.


I’m glad you’re saving so much more money during the pandemic. It is a pro for many people. However, telling me you don’t plan to give more to various causes this year to help others because, “there are government programs that help them,” really didn’t sit well.

Government programs don’t cover everything. Not even close.

Besides food banks and groups assisting with medical care, housing, heat, lights, tutoring, etc, (all super worthy causes) you have options of supporting museums, small businesses, or even pet pantries to help folks get pet food if they are taking a hit. There’s no shortage of options. If you really think the fed/state/local gov’t is doing enough, then send them more to help erase their deficits. You only need to scan the news to see how bad it is out there.

Bragging about how much you’ve saved with no heart at all to give more than any other year - just part of your extra bonus - doesn’t make me think well of you TBH. Hopefully the little bit I did actually say to you planted a seed to help you walk in another’s shoes.


Oh, my word. I worked on the PPP Forgiveness Loan Application online today. It asked for my business cell phone number, which I input and I received a security code. Great. BUT since the cell phone number didn’t match the landline phone number I put on the ORIGINAL application (where it asked for “Business Phone”), it wouldn’t let me proceed! Of course, I didn’t know what the problem was originally, I just got a message that they couldn’t verify my info. It took my poor local banker most of the day to figure that out, and then he couldn’t resolve the problem for me and told me to call the 1-800 number. After waiting on hold for quite awhile, an employee was able to change the phone number on the account. Then I had to scan a bunch of supporting documentation, which was annoying because the government has said companies don’t have to do that for small loans. But TD Bank makes you do it, anyway. So I took too long scanning and got timed out. What a waste of a day. Now I have to work on the project that was supposed to go out by 5. Argh.


We paid a ton of money for our new roof, and we really aren’t happy about the color. Not sure what we can do now, but very frustrating. And it’s not like paint that’s easy to just paint again.

Oh, DH, I know you’re good at fixing things, but please call the plumber!!! No water means NO HEAT since we have a forced hot water system, and our two cockatiels can’t take cold temperatures. :frowning:


So I place online order at big name store. At checkout it says ‘your county requires that we charge a bag fee. Based on your order you are being charged for 10 bags. After curbside pickup you can request a refund of the bag fee if you do not need a bag’. WTH? I was ordering a dutch oven. How will you split that into 10 bags. So, instead I chose free delivery. Now, it goes into a padded box and gets trucked thru the county first. I don’t think my county is ‘green’ I think that is mold in their collective regulatory heads.


Crying for you lad. No one should have to lose a 2 year old kitty to a stroke. I’m glad you know you gave him the best life he could have had, but my mama’s heart wishes I could erase the sadness you have right now. You expected a lifetime together - a longer lifetime than a year and a half.

RIP Oliver. He was fortunate to have you here and now he’s with Grandma. Every kitty wants to be a Grandma’s kitty. She’ll keep him company until the two of you meet again.

ps I’m glad you can look forward to getting kittens again once you get settled in Residency somewhere. It shows you can grieve knowing these deep feelings aren’t forever. Keep concentrating on how good it was Oliver had you. Few others would have been able to handle his diagnosis. He got an extra good 4 months with you - more than that if you consider he was a rescue from the streets to start with.

I turned done an invite today because I just didn’t feel it was safe. A chocolate tasting at somebody’s house with a group of ladies. The woman has 5 kids at home including 2 who are back from college. We rescheduled so many times, to try and pull this off (I guess hoping it could happen outside or things would get better). I am shocked that any of the ladies are going at all. I have done many things in the last few months with this woman and that group of friends, usually outdoors with just 2-3 of us, but this just felt wrong. I hope the women whose husband is currently undergoing cancer treatment also decides to skip it.


The woman I know who got Covid in mid-July passed peacefully last week. She was an anti-masker who was certain Covid stories were all overblown. Except a high fever (105 at one point) she never presented the “usual” Covid symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, etc.)

Covid is hardly ever the “cause of death” on certificates, instead they focus on the final illness, in her case “kidney failure.”

While she was older (80) she was vibrant, a tremendous world traveler, smart and funny, with no other medical issues. During a phone call in August she said to me “I guess I’m not as good a doctor as I thought I am…” RIP Mamacita - may your memory be for a blessing.


Yay, 2020. Last night a tree fell across our driveway and snapped an electric pole. The power line is lying in the street. It must be live since we still have power. The road is also blocked, so people in six houses, including ours, are trapped. We contacted the power company last night but nobody came. We called 911 this morning and the Fire Chief came out. He is contacting the power company so I’m hoping we see some action!

I am officially declaring myself ‘family fluid’. There, problem solved.

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I’m trying, I’m really trying, but I just can’t get into this new CC format. Where did the “agree” button go? How about the “helpful” button?? I will continue to try as long as we continue to have a CC book club (thanks, @Mary13!) but that might wind up being the only thing I read anymore.


The heart at the bottom is “like” , the smily face takes you to emoji to pick your own feelings.


You are going to kill your mother with your selfishness. Get her to the hospital!


Please let her get the job. Please let her get the job. Please let her get the job. She needs (and deserves) something good to happen after all the crap she’s been through.


Please help me have patience with all the incompetent workers I’m encountering.