Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Go Godaddy. :sunglasses:


I hate the Pac 12 network.


I cannot stand concrete thinkers who I work with.


I’m irked that I bought gifts snd sent them out but vendor hasn’t noted that the gifts are from us so recipients are mystified. :frowning:
Sent it to over 16 different people!

For the love of Pete people, we are in the airport. Wear your GD mask.


Sister and her husband, unvaccinated, BIL says he can’t wear a mask for more than a half hour (can’t breathe, allegedly) are going where on vacation? FRICKIN FLORIDA!!! Why, why, why? And how is BIL going to wear his mask while in the terminal (granted, I hear that’s not enforced), and on the plane, where the attendants certainly do enforce mask wearing. I hope I don’t end up reading about another in-air “incident”.


My other sibling and I made an executive decision that we would celebrate our mom’s birthday BEFORE their trip, not after they return charged up with COVID.


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My friend’s 40 year old son has struggled with a heroin addiction for the last 20 years. Unfortunately, the addiction won today. He leaves behind a wife & kids in addition to his mom/siblings. My heart is breaking for them.

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I may have posted this last spring when I last cleaned up my mother’s email inbox, but it bothered me enough to do it again today; hours I will never get back. How a 90 year old can subscribed to so many mailing lists and not open 75% of the mail boggles me. I have tried to unsubscribe her from some, or at least change the frequency of emails; does one need twice daily notices from the same store? She is subscribed to no less than 15 different cooking sites, some that send emails at the very least once a day. Mom doesn’t want me to delete any of those emails as she might make one of the recipes one day from an email that arrived 5 years ago! While mom was an excellent cook, she hasn’t made but a handful of the recipes she has received.

Today I have so far deleted almost 1000 of the 7000 emails in her inbox; last May I had it down to under 1000 Unsubscribed from all political emails from over 5 different groups. And she wonders why she didn’t see the email from her brokerage account, or the evite to a party. :scream: If only she would delete the emails she didn’t want, it wouldn’t grow daily.

I think my SIL is finally getting vaccinated in two weeks! She will see her doctor, and if he agrees it’s OK (he will!) then she’s finally doing it. She has had some health issues that make me understand her hesitance, but seeing friends get very sick (unvaxxed) and others catch it who are vaxxed, she’s ready. The good news is that she keeps her butt at home so less likely to catch it or spread it, but her vaxxed dh is out doing all the chores and living his life, and I think she’s worried he’ll bring it home.


I can’t wait to be at my own place and in my own bed tomorrow. Don’t want to hear from anyone tomorrow.


The glow-in-the-dark firefly masks I made for my niece’s second grade class arrived at her house today. Niece was just dx’d with Covid. Gotta love the Georgia school system that has everyone eating together in the cafeteria, large class sizes, no online option and required work with small groups. Her kids have been dropping like flies đŸ„Č for the past month.

She’s such a good teacher and loves the kids, but is so fed up and discouraged she’s not sure she wants to stick around, as so much of her frustration is institutional.


Part 2: Now I see your new Jeep with the spare tire cover that proclaims “We Are Blessed”. I guess that makes it official----you’re drinking the right wing evangelical Kool Aid. I guess using your brain is now off the table.

You spend the day with your grandson, who now may have COVID, and you are not vaccinated. We all decided in a nanosecond that you should not attend mom’s party. Be angry, I don’t care, you brought this upon yourself.


Part of this morning’s breakfast conversation:

H: The sausage you had was X.

FIL: It’s a good sausage! The one I buy isn’t good at all. It probably has too much chicken or filler in it. It only cost me $1.89 for a while, but it’s gone up to $2.19, so at that price, I can eat it.

The version he likes that we bought cost $3.99. He’s saving all of $1.80 spread out over 8 breakfasts if he eats all it himself.

When he passes away I expect there will be estate taxes on his estate and I know first hand that he has plenty on hand, so money isn’t the issue. It’s a mindset. He’ll do the same with coffee to save 10cents and more.

 my say it here
 FIL, it’s pocket change for you. Buy what you LIKE! You’ve saved plenty for retirement. Well done! But now at 93, you’ve reached the age where you can feel guilt free using it. Please do. It will make both H and I feel much better to see you enjoying your own money.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to buy/bring more than we plan on using and leave the extra because we either “forgot it” or it’s “too hard to take home.” You might as well eat it.


I start every week thinking “this is the week it will finally end”. So far, no


SMH - it seems absolutely no one is taking this Delta variant seriously in GA or AL. Skipped the football game and watched it on TV because it appears people are “over it” and “will it” to not be a problem - not social distancing, not masking, and just going back to life as usual. Unfortunately, it is not “over” at all and I fear all these crowded football venues will create a huge spike in spreading sickness. This behavior again will delay getting back to normal life.


Oh! The feeling when you paid full price of admission and later found Groupon for 40% off


There is a Shingrix vaccine commercial that has someone saying, “I take good care of myself”. Voice over: SHINGLES DOESN’T CARE. “I exercise regularly and watch what I eat”. Voice over: SHINGLES DOESN’T CARE", etc., etc.

I want to see a similar commercial for COVID: “I feel my immune system is healthy”. COVID DOESN’T CARE. “I have a right to not be vaccinated.” COVID DOESN’T CARE.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. COVID DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN about your rights, excuses, etc.


Less than 2 weeks to go. Please let this all go off without a hitch and with everyone staying healthy.


I’m so happy for my middle son - everything worked out and he is on his way to France, where he will join his fiancee at a university in Caen. They had almost overwhelming obstacles to overcome, and they did it. I’m really proud of both of them. :slight_smile:


Haven’t been on because my computer died - what a horror - trying to get somebody to recover the data for me - UGH

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