Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I don’t want to jinx it, lol, but I sincerely believe that I may be joining some CC wedding threads soon. And I am delighted!


So disappointed with the US postal service. There are no Christian Christmas stamps.


No, I have no intention of contributing to your congressional run in SC! Why would I??? I live in PA! It’s your constituents you need to solicit donations from to see if they support you. You’re supposed to represent them, not me.

ps Next time have someone proofread what you send out. Are you running for the 4th district or 7th? I’m pretty sure you can’t do both.

An idiot surrounded by idiots….who could have predicted that?


Not sure which is scarier, that my Ds third grade students are allowed to watch Squid Games or that when told that “killing” the losers in red light/green light wasn’t acceptable didn’t know there was another way to play the game.

You are selfish! You only come around when it’s convenient for you. You are never around when we really need help!!


Turns out making something appear forbidden makes it all the more attractive. go figure.

Boy, when the switch flips, look out.

I just diagnosed a plumbing problem by online research and instead of praise, you say that’s what you expect. Come on, it’s a little impressive!



Forgot to take my Prevagen today.

Even worse, I cannot remember why I even thought that this was funny.

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I’m down 35 pounds as of this morning. It’s taken 14 months. I’m to the point that my body is craving exercise every day. So weird! I’m happy. :slight_smile:


If you want to move into my lane use your turn signal. I’d let you in I just need a clue.


Most interesting SPAM email today:

Regrow Your Hair

Drink 5 Drops Of This Purple Liquid A Day and Grow 100 Hairs A Day

(Well, I do like the color purple, but I wish they would specify where the hairs would be located.)


I order a bunch of small items and you say Pick an Amazon day! It’s better for the environment, less packages, less stops.

Then why did you send my 5 items in 3 packages? Through USPS that actually delivers to my house. Every single day! Except Sunday lol


Goodness, I hope I don’t become as cantankerous as the older women who are posting on our community Facebook page.


Fall color has been outstanding the last few weeks as I walk through my neighborhood and drive to work. Temps are mild for now (won’t last much longer) and Christmas lights are starting to be visible in homes as I walk 30 minutes or so before sunset. Gorgeous sights. I gave my last in person lecture on new material for the semester. Some days are better than others on the personal level - thankful.


Some government entities are able to wield their power to hurt businesses, and they can get away with it. It’s wrong. (This is not a political post - the issue is at the state level, and it’s not a partisan thing.)

OMG…she is dating someone of the opposite political persuasion. I asked if I could come to dinner - I’d pay my costs. And I promised to bring an AED - and have it charged for the anticipated multiple resuscitative efforts that will no doubt be required.

Frankly, it couldn’t happen to a more cantankerous self righteous guy…

Yikes, stop complaining about the same thing 100x