Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I love you and you have a generous heart but I wish you would at least think about offering to drive us to the airport.

Itā€™s almost a relief to finally have a family member live to a wonderful old age and pass peacefully in their sleep. Weā€™ve had a string of people gone much too soon and horribly painful passings. This funeral will be part celebration of life and part family reunion.

H and I now sincerely regret not calling the cops when we realized your kids were dealing drugs across the street from our house, but you moved away within weeks. Now a kid yours lived with is dead of an OD and rumor has it your other kid supplied the drugsā€¦ You canā€™t contribute enough to a GoFundMe to clean your hands, but, then again, I feel like I canā€™t, either.

Please, at least try. Really and truly try.

You pride yourself on raising well-adjusted, successful kids, but you donā€™t have a difficult child and you have NO IDEA what thatā€™s like. And donā€™t even start about my son with autism. If youā€™re not walking the walk, you canā€™t talk the talk.

May we care for each other and our planet. Let what we do singularly and collectively reflect that commitment. Help us to spread kindness.

You are going to die if you donā€™t sober up. I pray itā€™s not too late.

Wow, just wow. You were so quick to pull out the ā€œwe belong here and you donā€™tā€ just because someone was not happy with your behavior and asked an usher to ask you a 2nd time to stop. Yes, it was over the top given what you were doing, but wow so was your response, especially given who you claim to be in all those social media posts.

I donā€™t want to wish time away, but I just canā€™t wait to hug you!

I am so proud of you. You are finally truly growing up. Your grandparents were so excited that you went out of your way to stop to see them & spend time with them on your vacation. You gave them such a gift. And we really love your GF. We know you donā€™t believe in marriage, but we sure hope that the two of you stay together forever.

Geez!!! Two weeks ago when we first saw you, we thought you were the size of a small turkey. Two weeks passedā€¦ geez you got even bigger! And you are still crying out for your mom to bring your food?! Go catch your own mice!! Barred owl momsā€¦ shaking my headā€¦ the helicopter parents of the bird world. :slight_smile:

(In case you are wonderingā€¦ This is how these moochers look like and sound: )

Canā€™t believe the neighbors we like so much are getting divorced. :frowning: Itā€™s hard to make friends up here, so we will miss getting together with them.

AAAGGGGHHHH! You guys are supposedly smart ā€“ so why canā€™t you differentiate between ā€œitsā€ and ā€œitā€™sā€? Itā€™s = it is. Itā€™s easy!


The rule of estimates for home repairs holds true once again. I have gotten enough estimates now that the highest one is twice the lowest one.

As a Texan, as a Latina and as a gun-violence survivor, this has been a crappy few days.

I liked you as a counselor, but your billing person is incompetent. I really donā€™t think I owe you $299.66. Ack. And why did she wait three months to send the bill if I owed that much?

We need rain. Please.

Colleague, I get that change is hard but it makes no sense to ghost me when one of your teams has been transferred to me. We need to discuss the transition. Hiding from me is not a mature response, and will only make this more difficult.

Did you really just come into work late and first item of of business is clipping your nails?

You are an Ivy League educated, highly successful executive. How eff-ing hard is it to run the darn dishwasher when itā€™s full??? Oh, and I told you half a dozen times to not use the guest bathā€¦Going in there to use the sink to brush your teeth and then using the guest towels is the very definition of USING the guest the bath! I have enough to do getting ready for YOUR family visit without you creating more work for me today.