Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Would anyone test for STD’s daily but refuse to use protection? No different than testing daily and not using masks. That is a false sense of security.

Look at me! I just let that one go…dang…so proud of myself.

And just like that, today became cry day.

It sounds like I may be going back to work next week.
I am happy to work, but the whole COVID environment thing makes me very nervous.

Medivac helicopter just landed in a church parking lot 1 mile from our home. Sure hope this ends well. 12 minutes on the ground so far.

Whoever recommended watching Just Mercy a few moons ago, thank you. Well worth it, esp after checking fact vs fiction and finding out the vast majority of the movie was fact or close to it. That’s certainly not common on a “based on a real story” movie!

The world we knew is gone. We don’t know yet what the next one will look like. We can only imagine what some of the pieces of it might be. I am not Jewish, and I am at home, sitting shiva for the world I knew.

I had a great day until about an hour ago, when my mother told me that my sister went to get her nails done today. I wish my mother would move here so that she is not at the mercy of my brother and sister, who are going out to eat and doing all sorts of things they don’t want my mother to know “so she doesn’t get any ideas about leaving the house” Oh, well … you made it to 88, mom, and that’s a pretty good run.

The idiocy continues - it’s still unbelievable to me that I see/hear/read the idiocy around me. I don’t know it all, but I know enough to know I don’t know it all. I can’t watch the news like I used to…It screws with my mood.

A zero on the scale of significance in these strange times, but I just realized that Apple’s face recognition software, which handles bright sunlight fine, just can’t recognize me in bright sunlight with my Covid beard. It of course doesn’t recognize me with my mask on either.

Oh, Lordy, this might be the definition of first world problem. ?

It is impossible to test everyone in the US, especially if testing means multiple testing (as a single test is somewhat irrelevant). Some are suggesting we need to gear up for that, test everyone. Can’t be done. The supplies to do that don’t exist in that scale. The people and execute don’t exist to that scale.

It’s nobodies fault. This didn’t exist before. It does now. We need to deal with it rationally and be better prepared next time. I imagine there are many other potential catastrophic situations that we’re not prepared for. Also no one’s fault.

Your barely concealed “disgust” for LACs is evident. You do realize that many of us with kids at such schools are not wealthy and our kids aren’t there for “prestige”.
You actually come off as happy in your predictions that this Pandemic could permanently damage these schools. What is wrong with you?

How much of a jerk can you be? Totally not cool to post a screen shot of your psych major child’s 4.0 GPA on a thread of engineering parents lamenting their kids having to retake classes they didn’t pass. At least the moderators took it down quickly since it contained your kid’s school ID and home address. I’m all for celebrating our kids academic wins but that was soooooo not the place for it!

Lo and behold. Free rein. Flaunt your finery and flout the rules.

Eighteen years. It’s still a hard day, even as it’s also a celebration.

Joy. Love and a sense of gratitude.

That’s what I feel when our 25 DS, who is stuck working at home, with his parents around 24/7 looks up, see’s his dad working on something that’s physically difficult and goes to help. Without any prompting, without any discussion, with out anything other than his own big heart which tells him what is right.

I even grant myself a small pat on my own back.

Seriously? That’s the best you can do when you reopen for business?

For the first time in 2 months, I put on makeup and some nice clothes. A local photographer is offering front porch photo sessions, in exchange for a donation to a local charity. He stays on the street, with us on our porch, maintaining more than enough social distance. It feels good to get dressed up a little but, even if it is only jeans.

Ah the family wedding this weekend with bridezilla continues to evolve faster than Covid-19 and is essentially as dangerous to human interaction and thinking of others as the virus. Bridezilla has now decided that since she is not going to get her way ( her main relative will not attend due to Covid), no one can attend not the parents of the groom (our side of the family), nor his relatives. She has sent out repeated emails regarding the “updates” Their dog can attend. Lol. Wouldn’t mind so much but this is the same person who used facetime at my Thanksgiving table.

Guess how we are expected to attend? Yep, zoom. BTW, the “wedding” is on my birthday and the last thing I want to do is support this nonsense. Ok, off to create a wedding video per Bridezilla’s dictum. Fortunately, the family lives far away and we’ll meet only a few times per year.

Some people use a lot of words to say a lot of nothing.