Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Heading to grocery for pick-up order yesterday, I passed a house with lots of cars. Counted on the way home and there were 13 cars there and my state is only opening for social gatherings of 10 or less with social distancing today. Wife in that household flies a flag in front yard that lets me know they don’t subscribe to science. I know I’m not the boss of anyone else, but my inner judgmental self wants to have a bullhorn in the car so I can call out stupidity as I pass by.

Billy Joel’s song, Piano Man, just played from my playlist. “The waitress is practicing politics…” Brought a smile and chuckle all of us listening. Times really don’t change!

I’m so sad, Dad, that you fall for quackery. :frowning: You were a researcher for over 50 years and should know better. At least you don’t post the crap on Facebook like your brother does. :frowning: I guess I will ask you not to email me any more studies unless they have been published in peer-reviewed publications.

Dear little cat,
I wish you were not attracted to the bigger cat like a magnet, and I wish she wanted to play with you too. But she doesn’t, and I wish I could get you to back off, brave (stupid?) little thing that you are.

Call me a grouch but I can’t stand the sound of the ice cream truck in the neighborhood. Makes me cringe.

When our kids were little and we would hear the sound we would tell our kids that was “the rip off truck”.

What a gut punch.

I am so glad that you returned to therapy three years later, but I am beyond sad to hear about what you’ve been through. And I’m glad that you are sharing this stuff with me, but I hate that there was no way to protect you. It’s so, so dark some of your thoughts, but I know this is the work you have to do to heal.

You sure seem to have issues with our women in charge.

Would somebody please suggest that crime reporters look up what a Felony Murder charge means? You don’t need a law degree to use Google, it’s right there. Don’t journalism schools teach doing a little research beyond reading press releases? The high emotion/low information tone of all of these articles should embarrass everyone involved in the reporting.

Today was officially D’s last day of high school, but it seems to be ending, not with a bang, but with the proverbial whimper.

My D and her two best friends have carefully coordinated book drop-off next week so they all have the same time slot and can at least wave to each other in person. Glad they’re making the best of it, but it still makes me sad.

I did all the work for a presentation to the CEO, which included 6 months of development work and pulling the presentation together. It was disappointing when head of my department wanted my boss to present it. Lucky for me the CEO’s chief of staff (woman) spoke up for me. She thought it was more appropriate for me to do the presentation.

Instead of just having “good old boys” network, it is good to have “good young women” network. :slight_smile:

You know, your coldly dismissive comments about the elderly (and those you consider “less than”) don’t win many converts to your way of thinking.

New baby filly (female pony foal) here on the farm this morning.

Sometimes it’s really nice when life seems “normal.”

Dear friend, I have always respected your beliefs because you walked to talk, even as I may vehemently oppose some of those views. You’ve crossed the line twice in the past two days and smacked me in the face with it. I’m stepping back.

This was REALLY not the day to joke about my mortality.

Sweet little doggie of mine - I’m so sorry I didn’t notice those matted ears and sticky seeds stuck in your fur. Now I’ve trimmed it all away and you are just terribly lopsided. Good thing you don’t care!

I really like you and am glad you’re dating my daughter. I’ve been strongly encouraging you to get health insurance for months now. D was very excited this week when you told her you had gotten a policy. When I looked up the company, which I hadn’t heard of, I discovered that it’s supplemental health insurance. Ack! I felt like I had to tell D. She understood that it’s not a substitute for real coverage. When she explained that to you and asked if she could investigate other policies that might even be lower cost and cover you better, you said, “I’m good.” Ugh.

I cannot muster sympathy for a student who regrets choosing Yale over Princeton.

What a pile of organic fertilizer!!!

It’s not easy getting older. The changes that it brings are unsettling.

I have never craved a vacation as much as I do at this very moment.

You do realize it is the same 10 people talking back and forth, saying little imho.