Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Being able to snooze someone for 30 days might be my favorite Facebook feature. I am both sad and empowered whenever I use it though

You canā€™t just stop everything you donā€™t like. Oh, yes ā€¦ actually, you ā€œcan.ā€ I am very, very worried about the future.

As much as I want things back to normal Iā€™m really going to miss the local reportersā€™ cats in the background of their shots.

I took my fb friends list to the bare bones (unfriended over 100 people) and know it was the right time because now when I look at my friends list every name on it makes me smile. Goodbye, drama.

Oh, if the pot isnā€™t calling the kettle black ā€¦

All the paperwork after someone dies just adds insult to injury. Why is everything so darn complicated?!?!


What would Miss Manners do?

I want my flour to ship!

Please be smart, be quick, and be gone - I just donā€™t have the normal level of patience with you right now.

Great - Iā€™m chosen as the backup to the backup, and now Iā€™m the one who has to sacrifice the weekend to get things done.

I think thereā€™s good evidence our schools have not done a good job teaching science.

And this is where we are. :frowning:

Two wrongs never makes anything right.

Being kicked when youā€™re already down really sucks. You knew that was a heart-rending decision we made. Thanks for making it worse.

We canceled our policy with you simply because we liked another agent better. When you send a FB message to my husband questioning MY motives you only validated our decision.

How can architectural and structural drawings be issued for a large commercial building with NOT A SINGLE DIMENSION for column lines?? How can it be built? I am so dumbfounded. My client told me to just scale dimensions of the drawings. We will be providing precast concrete panels for the project. So what, they chip off concrete if it doesnā€™t fit, or have large gaps??

I am truly worried about the future of our country.

I thought Iā€™d be happy when Covid 19 wasnā€™t dominating the headlines. I couldnā€™t have been more wrong.?

Iā€™m begging you not to do this but clearly getting in a game of tennis (including someone you know hasnā€™t been socially distancing or wearing a mask) is more important than my health or potentially my life. And even though you will have to quarantine from me in our home for at least two weeks.

Can we beat that to death just a little more?

More than 25 years ago, I was shopping in the baby products aisle at Walmart when an older woman approached me and began to tell me what to do for ā€œscaldingā€ under oneā€™s breasts during hot weather. Vaseline and baby powder. I donā€™t know why she thought I needed to know this, but I have always remembered it. Today in the toothpaste aisle at the supermarket, a woman approached me and asked what to do about redness and burning under oneā€™s breasts. I donā€™t know why she expected me to know. I told her Vaseline and baby powder.