Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You asked permission to check out the power lines on our property for their annual maintenance. Sure, we said, just beware we have ponies in the field so if you see a gate open, leave it open. If you open one to go through it, close it behind you. No problem, you said. It’s what you always do. You understand livestock.

So WHY in HADES were we up from 12:30 - 1:40am retrieving ponies our neighbor saw out on the ROAD, then walking fence to see where the storm (we thought) brought something down, only to find a GATE open in the back - one folks hardly ever go through since it just gives our family access to a hay field and the creek - and - access to more of the power line???


Good thing no one (human or critter) got hurt or I’d be doing more than venting on a message board.

Reallly ready for some happy…

I have to say, the fake crowd sounds they’ve added to the Bundesliga broadcasts makes watching the matches almost normal.

So hard to talk to you. You’re only 58, a year older than I am, but your dementia has gotten so bad you can’t drive anymore. You don’t remember where your daughter lives or what your husband does for work. So unfair.

What did I do to make my dogs love me so much ? Thank you God.

Dear mediocre California colleges which are only nationally ranked because of their film programs,
If you require a creative supplement and tons of essays for your film programs, please have the decency to review the creative submissions. Applicants can tell that you haven’t reviewed them.

The horse is dead! Long live the horse. Let’s beat it again! :slight_smile:

I’m so sorry, young server at Sonic. I wasn’t planning on stopping after my run and I didn’t have any cash with me at all. The machine didn’t allow credit card tips. Catch you next time.

Some days are harder than others.

I’m 64 so was space was prime time in my formative years. This is very exciting but I just can’t get over “Bob & Doug!” Really, no Colonel Behnken or Colonel Hurley? Bob & Doug just doesn’t sound right…but, none the less, godspeed! And, then there’s the weather???

I didn’t have to work this weekend and I am going for 2 long biking days in a row. Yeah!
The weather is great, I’m drinking wine on the deck, and my son I rarely see is coming over (he needs something).
Cats are learning to get along. I can’t wait til the day I see them sleeping close together.
Life seems good this weekend.

What a horrible mess. So sad, in so many ways.

Having a really hard time being the kind of (maybe someday) MIL that I want to be! How can you demand my son’s presence at your grandparents’ with not even 15 minutes to stop here first?!? I have not seen him since before all the quarantines started. I’ve been SO looking forward to seeing that he is OK with my own eyes! If it was your grandparents that insisted I’ll forgive you but how incredibly selfish on their part! No one asked me if I wanted my circle to be stretched to include all of you! If he gets sick and ruins our trip it will be very hard not to tell both of you (yes DS16 you too) just how disappointed I am!!! ?

Oh. My. God. You are insufferable. I don’t have time to do this back and forth with you. See what happens when we let mansplainers participate? lol

So glad to see some order is being restored in Minn. I hope they are going to be able to do that in my city soon, as I am hearing sirens outside of my apartment.

And this is shy we stereotype…it’s just faster…and sadly…accurate.

Why am I always baffled by the willful ignorance of the allegedly intelligent?

Three words: I can’t breathe.

If only the assistant manager at Target had insisted that the visitors had to pay for the items they took all of this looting could have been prevented.

Derek Chauvin has to be the loneliest man in the world. I haven’t heard anyone defend his actions. We haven’t seen this much agreement across the nation, across political and age and race groups in decades.

We could have used this moment of unity to do some good. And the people instigating the riots don’t want that. Don’t let them have their way.