Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Policemen are heroric first responders in one breath and evil racists in the other.

They are not all or nothing. Human beings with a really dangerous and hard job.

They are flawed like everyone else.

The broad brush should be put away and let’s focus on those who break the law. In uniform and out.

My son just texted this to me and I couldn’t agree more:

“Between the civil unrest and the historic space achievements, 2020 already seems like a direct-to-video sequel to 1968.” Spent all morning on the NASA channel watching Dragon dock with the ISS, missing the protesting last night. I know I’ll see it eventually as it continues…I probably should be watching but I am fortunate that I can simply change the channel and it takes it out of my life, for the moment.

“they ask me to remember
but they want me to remember
their memories
and I keep on remembering mine”

-Lucille Clifton

What if you threw a protest and nobody came? No law enforcement, no media. Would you go home? Or would you just throw bricks at each other?

D2 is moving tomorrow. In light of everything, I hope it all goes well for them. Wish I could be there to help out.

You’ve totally jumped the shark. Your lack of empathy is appalling.

Bunch of white people complaining about the actions of victims instead of focusing on the real systemic issues at hand, the real damage to the fabric of this country. SMDH.

Sick to my stomach tonight watching looting and violence in Boston

Good job, Snohomish.

When will I learn that even if a Facebook group moderates posts, the comments can be beyond ugly?

I thought things couldn’t get worse, but I was wrong.

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” — Malcolm X

You are truly incapable of handling any sort of crisis.

Today was D2’s moving day. She decided to use a different mover than the one I’ve use in the last 10 years. This morning she called to say her mover wanted to charge for every little thing and refused to wear masks or gloves. She fired them without a backup plan - no wait, I was her backup plan. I had to call my mover to move her out of her apartment today, which happened to be the first of month. Luckily they came through to move her and her BF to the new apartment.

The mover texted all day to let me know their progress. I told D2 to just tip, and this was going to be the last move I do for her (that I paid for).

Long-standing pandemic stress + waiting to hear if the lump is cancer + rioting = stress that requires more wine and chocolate than I’ve got.

What the holy heck was that???

And it continues to get worse.

A year ago I deleted my Facebook account. I started a new one a couple of months ago. I canceled/deleted my account today and won’t come back ever. I feel better.

I’ve never been so thankful to live in small town America as I have been in 2020. And I have never prayed as much in my life as I have in the past 2 months.

Whenever I think you can’t go any lower, you surprise me. You are despicable. And you’re making it hard for me to keep praying for you.