Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

-High school parents you stink. Your kids were either at the non-distanced party that was a Covid spreader event or your kid was in close contact with those kids but you sent them to the ACT on Saturday anyway. Fortunately distancing was good and masks were required but your kids lied upon entry when asked if they had Covid contact in the last 14 days.

Ugh, a builder who doesn’t understand plan views or sections. DH is having to spend time on the phone, educating the guy. I bet we won’t get paid for this effort. Sigh.

My husband and I had a LOT of steamed crabs yesterday. We picked the ones we didn’t eat, so we could use the meat today. It didn’t occur to me to ask him if he is a “good picker” (I am very picky and hate shells in crab) before we agreed to dump it together and make a little casserole with it. Suffice it to say he is NOT a careful picker, and I did not enjoy our dinner.

It was hot and humid today, and tonight it’s lovely and cool outside. However, I won’t enjoy sleeping with the windows open
 because I’ve had to close them all as a proactive measure
 due to the skunk family that for some reason has visited our front porch and back deck 5 times in the past 7 nights. Thankfully, they’ve left the car alone! But I don’t know why they’ve chosen our house and yard to teach their youngsters how to spray. And I can’t believe I went to a website called PredatorPee and just ordered a big Spray bottle of coyote pee as a deterrent. I’m getting kind of desperate.

Proud of S. He called his former employer to ask if he could have his job back, because the new job was a huge mistake. Owner was thrilled & welcomed him back with open arms. S has a new outlook on the former/now current job & will spend time trying to figure out what he REALLY wants to do next. (New job was the worst one-day experience of S’s life. He discovered that everyone he talked to during his interview was related to the owner, and they all lied. Job responsibilities were not even close to what he was told, and schedule was the biggest scam. Monday-Friday with occasional Saturday was not true 
 real schedule was “changed” to Monday & Wednesday-Saturday, plus holidays. And no OT/holiday pay. S knew an abusive situation when he saw it & manned up to admit his mistake to former company.)

Thanks to the CC people who fixed the slowness problem on IPADs and IPhones.

This is the day we were supposed to fly to Spain. Instead, DH will be having a root canal at 7:30 am. He is so bummed out. :frowning:

I don’t know about anyone else, but federal police pulling people into unmarked cars scares the bejeezus out of me.

Stay in you lane. If your tweet sounds like it came from an attention seeking media personality, but you are an elected official, (at any level and of any party) you are doing it wrong. DHS agents protecting federal property and arresting rioters are not storm troopers, and mask requirements are not fascist.

I was supposed to be on a beach on St. John. Instead I’m listening to a webinar on consumer arbitration agreements and reading an article on what menu items Taco Bell is eliminating from the menu. (guess which is more interesting?) Such is life these days.

Oven broke. Could fix it ourselves! $
Issue with truck. Wanted to upgrade that accessory anyway! $$
Refrigerator broke. But freezer works and repairman can come today! $$$
Found BATS in my dad’s house (that we are keeping) attic, likely been there for years. $$$$

Aargh. Just for a while, can we stop this stuff?

What were you thinking buying your 19 year old son a fast sports car? Do you know what they did last night? My son informed me that everyone got a turn driving and they all got the car up to 100mph. Thank God there were no accidents or tickets.

And people wonder why these kids think they won’t get Covid. 19 yo boys have absolutely zero common sense and think they are invincible.

Just when I think you’ve said the dumbest thing possible, you outdo yourself. I feel so bad for your kids - I would be mortified if my mom posted the things you post.

It is hard to choose the most disturbing image that I have seen over over the past 3 years or so. But, moms protecting their kids by linking arms and dads protecting them with leaf blowers is up there. Dear God what have we become?

My dear, sweet little cousin, I love you so much. You are so like your dad whom I also loved so much, gone too soon. I don’t “get” why you married her. I just don’t. She’s just weird. But as long as you are happy, I’m okay with that. She and I will never have a rapport

Ok Stupid Birds. I left you alone when you build your stupid nest in my stupid chimney. I haven’t called the chimney service company because evidently you and your chimney swift friends are a protected migratory species. I waited weeks for you all to learn to fly so you’d stop squawking in my chimney. But now
you’ve decided to come down to the fireplace. I’m lucky we have glass doors. I’m losing my patience with you. FLY AND BE FREE (away from my chimney).

I think I said this in my last post on this thread. But, someone PLEASE remind me to get a chimney cap in the fall

Hey extended family member, I’ve rolled my eyes and ignored your many social media posts over the years - your anti-vaxxer statements and such. But over the past few weeks you’ve been whining about wearing masks and refuse to do so, and in the past week you have been sharing QAnon content and I’ve reached my limit. Too bad you have so many followers in the echo chamber you’ve built for yourself and your pack.

So, I unfriended/unfollowed you on all your social media accounts for my own sanity and so that I can hopefully still smile and make small talk with you when I see you at occasional family gatherings.

Unleash the Kraken!!! ? The Greenhouse will now become the Krakhouse!

Looking forward to being a Krakhead in the Krakhouse. (Since the games are sold out for infinity and beyond, it may be a long time!)

You choosing not to work at least a little while in grad school part time has seriously frustrated me. It’s your choice, and you are perfectly able to work, at least on the weekends, so quit asking your parents to pay for things.