Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m so frustrated. Our kayak was supposed to be here at the end of May. Then mid June. Then absolutely no later than July 16th. They finally called yesterday that they were delivering today. They called twice and sent an email confirming the time. An hour before delivery they called to say their driver called in sick. ■■■!?!?

Just tell me where the damn kayak is and I’ll come pick it up. My 50th birthday is Saturday and we had the whole day planned around kayaking. I’m honestly near tears.

My big trip was cancelled, both my parents died, I haven’t seen my kid in months, and I just wanted to at least be able to effing kayak this weekend.

Dear Universe,
Please, please, please let my kayak be delivered tomorrow. PLEASE!!!

I’m so frustrated. Our kayak was supposed to be here at the end of May. Then mid June. Then absolutely no later than July 16th. They finally called yesterday that they were delivering today. They called twice and sent an email confirming the time. An hour before delivery they called to say their driver called in sick.

Just tell me where the damn kayak is and I’ll come pick it up. My 50th birthday is Saturday and we had the whole day planned around kayaking. I’m honestly near tears.

My big trip was cancelled, both my parents died, I haven’t seen my kid in months, and I just wanted to at least be able to kayak this weekend.

Dear universe,
Please please please let them deliver the kayak today. Please…

PS. The fact that a delivery truck actually showed up at the house and people putzed around and then drove off quickly when we came outside makes me think that you never loaded it on the truck and you are continuing to string us along.

Uh…no. You shouldn’t have told her.

And saying it was something you felt “she needed to know” so that’s why you felt justified telling her? = all about you.

You completely missed the hurt you passed on to a lovely kind person. It’s something she will never be able to forget and really, what good will come of it? None.

Dear friend,

I am happy to help you and your daughter with this, but (a) first, before sending me multiple texts saying I must not have sent the link, or I have the wrong email and asking me to document to you when I sent it and asking me to resend it , please have her check her email to look for the email COMING FROMTHE COMPANY PROVIDING THE LINK. It was sent the day you asked, and she is telling you the next day that she didn’t get it? I told you the name of the company, and she can’t find it in one day’s emails??

and (b) she finally finished it 10 days later, and now, 5 minutes after she did, you are texting me asking me for the results? And when I diplomatically tell you I am on a zoom meeting, that isn’t an invitation for more text messages!

So I have taken care of the next steps and sent you the links to to multiple pages of results. And I’ve diplomatically told you that I will be out on a walk/hike and away from my computer. Please understand that means I won’t be responding to any barrage of texts asking me to explain/interpret, etc. You are in the same profession. I am hopeful you can decipher the results or have the patience to wait until I am home.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Yes, you are stupid for deciding to drive 10 days before the doctor clears you, and taking city streets instead of the highway does not make it safer. If you have a set back, you’re on your own.

I am proud of myself for giving my thoughts on the matter when you told me you are “tired of the whole BLM thing.” I was calm, and I asked you questions that I hoped would help you to expand your mind a bit. It didn’t work, but … I didn’t just change the subject without giving my thoughts or trying to help you see another side of things. Small steps.

Do you still really not see the seriousness of the illness and death COVID is causing? One of your dear friends from high school died of this horrible virus mainly because he didn’t take all the precautions needed; he went out without a mask and joined friends in the evenings to socialize. While it was outside, he and his wife were not careful. Your wife, our SIL, doesn’t understand why we would not come to your house for dinner even though we have told her the two of you go out too much. So what do you do the day after your friend dies-you go out to breakfast with 7 other friends :confused:

So, you continue to think my husband and I are over reacting. Yes, we miss all being together, but we are not willing to gamble the way you do. I have enough to worry about while working the job I have to keep; I do not need to come to your house for a dinner with 10 other people!

Why is it that when you need something it is our problem, but when I need something it is only my problem?

That was such an awkward conversation. Your solid B student with Ds on their HS transcript and minimal EC involvement is not going to be accepted to the long list of the top OOS state flagships you rattled off, not to mention your own. Thank goodness there is one safety on the list but if you think he’s going to have a plethora of options come spring because he applied to “so many” schools, think again. This isn’t the 1980s. This was one of those times where it was super hard not to say something.

It can be depressing how much of any conversation these days starts on, centers on or ends up being about COVID. Sometimes I just want to say, “no COVID talk aloud!” H is the worst offender…

Another book about the royal split?! Ugh. I’d rather talk about covid.

Some days I just have to shake my head. Can’t believe you actually admitted all those things in writing. Narcissists truly are fascinating.

You are an adult and can choose whatever hobbies you wish, even daredevil ones, and you don’t have to ask your mom! But I am always glad and relieved to see the “active on messenger” note on facebook after your excursions.

I would like people to start owning their stance or behavior on how active to be with others at this point in COVID. If you decide to go to a restaurant, OWN IT. If you decide to entertain others or be entertained by others, don’t make excuses or justify - OWN IT. People will agree or disagree with you either way, but I have to say when people start justifying it makes me think that you really weren’t too comfortable with your decision in the first place!

Well, I’m a real lover of the natural world and wildlife… I love living in a cabin in the woods… but you, cheeky grey squirrel, this time you have crossed the line. Even though you have managed over the past few summers to break into my neighbors’ homes, I really never expected to find you in my house… on my bed!!!.. stretched out, just chillin, with a pile of tissue gift wrap that you had shredded. The five minutes of pandemonium that followed (which included a broom and a spray bottle of organic citrus oil, the only weapons within reach) has left me feeling like I need a vacation. And yet here you are, again, attached to my window screen, just trying to stare me down. What is it that you want? Have you no shame, no remorse??! (I think you are acting out because I shoo you away while I feed peanuts to our adorable tame chipmunks… the ones that sit politely on the porch railing, sweetly chirping until I come outside to give them treats. ) I suppose I am grateful, though, that it was you and not a skunk. Will I have to keep my windows closed during the day now too? ARRGGGHHHHH

I can’t help but think about how the vast majority of people cannot relate to this at all. And that privilege begets privilege.

Federal,agents use unmarked cars all the time because police cars insight violence amongst “protesters”. They can also get in and out quick without their car being lit on fire. They don’t just grab people.

I hope those three Yankees’ games weren’t the only ones we can watch all season…

OMG, pup, you’ve been a bad boy! I didn’t realize how hard you had partied yesterday till I picked up your rainbow sprinkle covered gifts from the yard today.
I’m going to miss our morning walks together when you move to your new home. ?
