Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear Instacart driver: What the heck. I was sitting in a meeting waiting for notification that you were on the way. I need ten minutes lead time to get to the drop-off spot. You’ve delivered to me before, and that’s how it has always worked in my previous deliveries! Instead, I return to my office and then get an email “Your order was delivered at 4:20!” Well, I rushed to the delivery spot, but it was now 45 minutes later, and you left my groceries on the side of the road. On an afternoon when it is 92 degrees outside. My dairy and meat products were at ‘room temperature’ when I got there. Fortunately, I didn’t order any ice cream. But I submitted a negative review and Instacart is going to get an earful when they follow up with me. I’m so annoyed that I want to throw a rotten tomato at your car.

It is too darned hot this summer!

OK, Old Navy, put your thinking caps on. What makes you think that women who wear plus sizes only want spaghetti straps, while there are lots of cute summer dresses with wide straps and even short sleeves in regular sizes.

For the SECOND time, we received notice that my husband will be receiving unemployment compensation. Uh, he never asked for it! The first time this happened, I filled out a report and also mailed notice by certified mail that it was a fraudulent claim. Now it’s happened two months later! Weren’t you suspicious at all? Now I’ll have to sit on hold again tomorrow to straighten it out. Ugh.

We are hoping for a decision on Wednesday. And hoping that justice prevails.

If you are so inclined, please send a good thought, a prayer, some fairy dust or whatever you might have. We need an end to this nightmare.

Well, the good news is that the Maine Department of Labor locked our account back in late May after we filed a report that the claim was fraudulent. The letter we got yesterday was worded badly - it was meant to explain that “the employers [sic] experiencing rating record will not be charged.” The other wording was a mistake. I got the woman’s name and ID number and she said they will send me a notice. Now I will get a credit freeze. Sigh.

Back in the spring, I told you that minisplit would go fast as soon as a heat wave hits. Backordered… I am not paying some random dude to come into our bedroom to install whatever brand they carry for 5x the money.

Very unprofessional and borders on negligence when you charge $75 a pop for an expedited CV-19 test and you give 2 of my 4 family members a false positive result!

Thank god we immediately got a more accurate “second opinion” test (had to wait anxiously for 48 hours for the results) and we are all now correctly negative for the virus. I’ll never see that $300 again, not to mention the unnecessary stress it placed on my family quarantining over the weekend…

How did you manage to order this thing without a shipping address?! Mystery. But it got shipped into a black hole… now UPS (what a bunch of clowns!) says it can’t be rerouted to a real address because it was shipped without an address! Shaking my head. :slight_smile:

Disappointed again in elected official who seemed to have students best interest at heart?

Somewhere in this thread, around December 2017 is a post from me exhorting someone to get those law school applications in!! I’m happy to report that they did, finally, and got admitted. Today, they got a great job offer for when they are finished. Yippee!

I will never buy gift cards again (I need to keep reminding myself). Now the Pret a Manger gift cards that I gave my daughter to buy herself lunch are useless. They are permanently closing all their Boston locations.

Ugh - went on line and found out the value of the cards - just over $200 - I will have to find a way to sell them!

D2 got an offer from her summer internship when she graduates from law school next year.

D1 is expecting a baby girl.
Fingers crossed for everything. It’s such an unpredictable time.

You are seriously complaining that a free ice cream sundae wasn’t worth going downstairs for because it had strawberry sauce and sprinkles on it? SMDH

Bright blue paint on the stairway down to the basement? Not a good look. But it is the basement, so I am trying to bite my tongue (couldn’t help an OMG when I first saw it!).

I guess we should be happy that you “found” our kayak at the warehouse in Iowa but what we really need is a delivery date!!!

Yes, I play stupid online games.

In 2020, Flash dies for good. … Adobe announced the end of support way back in 2017, and all major browsers will remove Flash entirely by December 31, 2020. When that happens, tens of thousands of Flash games will be gone from the internet forever.

So pandemic learning pods are racists. Not an Onion or Babylonbee article. Nope, from a ‘real’ journalist.

Folks when EVERYTHING is classified as a particular something - people really stop listening.

Really? You need to grow up. :rage: