Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Wow, young relative, do you KNOW how hard it is for me to restrain myself from responding to you on Facebook?

Your two posts:

July 31: “Please pray for my birth dad, hes in the hospital with covid and having a really rough time ???”

June 9: “Create a VIRUS to scare people. Place them in quarantine. Count the number of dead every second of every day in every news headline. Close all businesses. 40,000,000 out of jobs. Peak unemployment. Remove entertainment: parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports. No dating. No touching. Mask people. Dehumanize them. Close temples and churches. Create a vacuum. Let depression and anxiety and desperation set in.”

I won’t do it, I won’t do it, I won’t do it…

Our family dog didn’t recognize any of us the other night for a few hours. She looked scared and then when a storm came she was worse. She would let us pet her, but it was like we were strangers. I stayed up with her until 1 am when I could see she was “back” and gave me a real kiss.
She’s around 12 years old.
I admit I went up to bed and cried a bit.

Pettiness is a very unattractive quality–especially for a young adult.

Some folks are just “wound too tight”.

Best to get a job & get some real world experience.

Mental illness & emotional breakdowns affect people from all walks of life–even Ivy League graduates. Please get some counseling & please get a real job.

P.S. A healthy sense of humor is a sign of maturity. Judging others is a sign of a lack of self-worth & insecurity.

Just returned from the grocery store. One of the weekly specials was reduced from 2 for $4----to $1.99 each. Tempting, but I passed.

Might I remind members that this is a no response thread and that all posts still need to comply with forum rules. Posts that don’t comply are deleted… If unsure of the rules,the links are on the bottom of every page.

Ugh, I’m crying. My dear friend has been struggling for about five years. We learned tonight that her diagnosis is Alzheimer’s. She’s 59 years old.

Randy Rainbow, I love you.

Just saw a designer bag online at 50% off. I was tempted to buy it but then thought to myself, “Where am I going with it?”

My favorite bag to carry my stuff now is a plastic bag for easy cleaning.

It occurred to me yesterday, the luxury that dh has of never having to think about preparing dinner. Don’t get me wrong - he very much appreciates the fact that I do all the grocery shopping and meal planning and prep, and I do like doing that (most of the time). It just suddenly popped into my head as I looked over at him, “You have no idea what we are having for dinner! You don’t have to think about when to start it in order to eat when we want to eat. But you know you will be fed. How nice for you!”

I really wish adults would act mature.

Why do so many tops/dresses this year have spaghetti straps? They are cute but not for a 63 year old who needs to wear an underwire bra.

Grateful to being an alert driver when zooming down the highway toda doing about 80. A metal wheelbarrow fell off a truckbed in the fast zone, barely missing the guy behind it. I was in lane 2. I zig zagged quickly to miss it and it wheeled into lane 3&4 hitting one car and causing a pileup. Yet, the driver of the vehicle from which it came never even stopped. The look on the guy to the left of me resembled something like I can’t believe I am alive. So glad it wasn’t a new driver, someone texting or on the phone. We all might be in the hospital or worse.

Thats right, Santa Claus died from corona virus and the Easter Bunny is barely hanging on

Look, ants. I read the directions. You’re supposed to take the bait back to your nest and feed it to your queen, not crawl up in there and die.

I know the bar is incredibly low, but your ignorance and narcissism are both dangerous and infuriating.

I can’t believe you brought up something from 1985.

I’m so tired of getting product recall notices, it seems like everything we’ve bought — lettuce, salads, onions, sanitizers… the list goes on — is being recalled!!! Why is it my job to chase down each and every one?!!
I think I will stick to buying shoes and clothes. No more essentials. Let them eat cake.

Watching my small town tear each other apart in facebook forums over school re-opening, or not and whether or not teachers are working hard enough if school is online. Heartbreaking. And confusing. These people have to see each other in the grocery store tomorrow.

My PayPal dispute with the Chinese clothes was resolved in their favor. If the clothes look like their pictures, they keep the $. The fabric on all but one item is awful. That one midi dress went to my housekeeper. Their size “small” are quite large. My first and last time ever ordering clothes online.

Making those Alton Brown peanut butter cookies was ill-advised…