Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Ha! Why am I not surprised?

So glad that my son’s friend found a new position! Having your first real job offer rescinded has to sting even when it is caused by a pandemic.

I just became an grandma (Omi).

My baby had a baby.


Reminded of a TV show that used to be on. LOL.

I knew it was coming soon but I am still shocked. We are all going to miss you.

oh gosh. Two,posts from me in days, when last one was 9 years prior.

So, moving office furniture home, and an onyx table, inherited from my mom, got broke. So marble company sent a young man to repair. He was here Monday and Tuesday, and paid well.

Today, handyman here to hang pictures. My friend came to help with decorating advice. He grabbed the onyx table by top and lifted it with handyman and me yelling NO!!! ( wrong way to move, and glue not yet dry). So, friend broke table. again, worse than before. He cut his leg, so next half hour I’m trying to help him with antibiotic creams and gauze pads and tape, but nothing I have is good enough. (I replaced all in past year, but with CVS tape.). HIM “ I’m a surgeon”. So he’s upset about his cut, I’m upset about another $250 to fix the table, and no resolution. Awkward

Almost half my town is without power (I have it) and there is a black bear running around my neighborhood (seen just down the block tonight). Such fun!

D*m, D#m, D@m. Just learned today that my cousin’s D2 has been diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease. Her older sister died from it 2 years ago. We were all hoping that she would not have the gene. Alas, she does. I was suspicious when I saw her 9 months ago at a family wedding. She learned a couple of months ago. Now, there are 7 children between the two of them who could face it. D@m.

The only bright spot is that her younger sibling has been tested and does not have the gene.

What a horrible disease.

Why? What else should I be expecting to happen? Oh, yeah, you can’t make this stuff up.

At this rate our snow shoes will arrive before the kayak. ?

Just had my birthday!! It was also the one-year anniversary of my grandpa’s death. Strange how some days can be such a confusing mix of happy and sad.

Dear H, when you KNOW I am picky about a food item, please do not substitute what I put on the grocery list with Whole Foods’ “healthy organic” and overpriced version of that item. And you come home and say “you probably aren’t going to like it.” Yes, you know I’m not going to like it, so why do you keep doing it?

Decided to weigh today. Wish I hadn’t. :confused:

When you begin a conversation with, “I hope you don’t get mad but

You’ve just guaranteed that not only will I get mad, I am already mad.

Huh, my hairstylist called to see if my son in Beirut was OK but three of DH’s siblings didn’t inquire. So bizarre.

Do you not have a life? Is your measure of self-worth tied up in this? I don’t think you ever grew out of 6th grade, and I feel sorry for you.

H not returning to his office for the foreseeable future, D20 starting her college career virtually from her bedroom, D24 starting her high school career 2 days at school and 3 virtually. Am I too old to runaway from home?!

Thanks to everyone who is taking COVID seriously and looking out for others.

This is “scary stuff,” and people appreciate the effort.

Don’t forward a ridiculous email like that to the entire book club and then feign surprise when everyone is upset with you. Saying that you don’t agree with the content but thought it was interesting just doesn’t fly.

Feeling like a piece of excrement in feeling “down” and “out of sorts” and many people have it SO much worse. How dare I complain?