Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

OK, your oldest kid is starting college and they are first-gen, so this is all new to you. I get that. But I reached out to you MONTHS ago when I heard they would be attending my kid’s school… and offered to have both of us available to answer questions for you and provide some helpful guidance! We reached out to you several times and got crickets… and NOW, two weeks before classes begin, you are in a panic and looking for advice? Do you not read the emails from the college? Your kid “doesn’t share much information”? Do you not realize that there are actual DEADLINES for things like tuition payment, class registration and housing and dining options? I can’t begin to get my head around this. And I’m really sorry, but I’m afraid neither of us can help you at this point. Wishing you the best.

Serenity now! When you are tailgated and road raged. Ok, I admit I slowed down a little to look at the license plates of utility trucks helping our area. But I decided to open my window when we both got to the red light. “Look how far you got”. No language on my part but surprise, our sons went to high school together 10 years ago! Your husband has a double pension, you’ve flipped four houses, better than many currently. You were a minute late to get to Marshall’s. Your over the top anger was not worth it. We are one of highest traffic states and summer visitors here.

We can see through this. It may well affect two incredibly important programs, ultimately. Unfortunately, you might just get away with this. I have no words, but I do have thoughts I wish I didn’t harbor. I am not that kind of person.

In a handbasket.

I don’t want to eat so much chocolate. But it’s here, I have to eat the chocolate!

Old friend of 50+ years: Sorry, I must have misheard… you’re hosting a fancy in-person dinner at your fabulous ‘beach house’ to raise funds for WHO? In the middle of a pandemic? What has happened to you? We are so disheartened. Four years ago, we tried to believe you when you said it was all about business. Well, now it’s about way more – it’s about all of our lives. I keep wondering what your hardworking immigrant dad would think of this. He had so much class and integrity. You may rake in millions this weekend, and be the sycophant of the month… but you’ve lost our respect. I really hope that none of your household or kitchen staff will be exposed to the virus due to your thoughtlessness. And it’s a good bet that your holiday card will be going in the shredder this year.

Such a nice evening even if it was only a distanced and masked, 1/2 hour service with one musician in a parking lot. It really is the people that matter, not the location or dressy clothes or fancy music with lots of singers and musicians. Taking the time to send our students off with a simple blessing was very much appreciated by this 2020 mom.

You broke her heart the night before we left for vacation and now, after 2 years of radio silence, you text her to “check in and see how things are going” right before she leaves for college. Please take your narcissistic tendencies elsewhere.

Moved him out to school this past weekend for his junior year. 15 hours away from us. Leaving him was the hardest it’s ever been. There is nothing normal about this.

Decision is made Big 10 lovers. How about we now channel some of that team spirit towards some good work and good trouble for our country. And maybe Michigan and Ohio can finally learn to get along.

So now I’m glad I don’t live in the northeast, Baltimore, Chicago, Portland, Lebanon, or South Dakota.

Continuing with the recalls. Now it’s potatoes, lemons, limes, oranges — I can’t even keep it all straight. Seems like half my groceries need to be thrown away!!!

Yup, that makes as much sense as everything else you have been advocating. I truly hope the educated leaders can do what they believe is right in the face of this unprecedented pressure.

Everyone wants to be an exception.

Haven’t posted in a long time, but I need to vent.

The idiot city council has compelled Seattle’s chief of police, a black woman of integrity, intelligence, dedication, and compassion, to resign.

I am furious, dismayed, and just really sad.

Thank you, Carmen Best. I am so grateful for your selfless dedication and your willingness to hear and understand differing points of views.

You didn’t deserve this. Please know that the city is full of people who are so grateful to you and recognize the immense loss your resignation brings.

I am sorry that you feel hurt. But honestly, I cannot understand at all why my cousin thinks what he thinks.

And you. Are you really that unimaginative? Sheesh!

Crying happy tears!

So excited!!!’

LETS GOOOOOOO!!! A good new train to jump on!