Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)


I feel a little bit better.

You, black cat, make me so angry

I can’t unsee you finishing off that cardinal who had been enjoying eating from our feeder!
Seems we’ve had fewer birds this afternoon after than incident.
Now I understand the complaints I’ve read about outdoor cats.

I’m SO thankful you got the job. Now I hope you like it and it works out. That would be one worry off the worry plate.

Well, if you don’t have the money to do it, too bad. That might make sense if you actually followed your own advice. As it is, some of us do see through it & know exactly what you are doing.

You seemed a little shocked that I reminded you that school starts in 3 weeks. You also still DON’T have an apartment to live in.

Your procrastination drives me crazy!!

(May be a repeat rant! - sorry)

What is the point of making this statement when receiving a phone call: “I haven’t heard from you in awhile.”

I am VERY good about calling my mother-in-law. I usually call once a week. Sometimes I go a couple of weeks without calling her. She NEVER calls either dh or me. Well, she calls dh when she needs something. It is so infuriating. Then her next statement is, “I was thinking about you the other day.” Then why don’t YOU call ME!

Does everyone’s mil play this “haven’t heard you from in awhile” card? ARGH!!

I know your phone can make outgoing calls!!!

Quitting a job in the middle of a pandemic to chase a dream wouldn’t have been my first choice, but you do you. But your boss has been an A1 ass so I get it.

To the guy in the gym who was working out without a mask, did you not notice everyone else was wearing one? Thanks for helping me decide to cancel my membership.

New neighbor, bad neighbor. Sometimes one acre lots can be too small.

You have no morals. Don’t send an email to the entire family stating that they should send you an email if THEY are nervous so you won’t attend a family 60th birthday party. It’s not on them to make your hard decisions. You are 27 years old. Your spouse is a nurse doing a COVID study.WTH. The fact that you have to ask the question is the answer.

Yes, I want to attend the 60th birthday party, no I don’t want my family to get sick. NO, we aren’t stupid and don’t interact much to keep our health. Yes, I think you are a very selfish person to put the blame on others if they get sick because everyone is socializing according to you. I will never ever forgive this. Ever.

But then again, I think most of the family is still upset that you didn’t invite your parents or brother to your wedding a few months ago to appease your wife whose mother could not/would not come due to her Covid fears. The virtual wedding was abominal.

You are the most selfish person of anyone in the family. If I get sick you will hear it from me and so will everyone else. Jerk.

It’s only because I love my spouse that I am not going to tell you exactly what I think of you. PS> it isn’t good.

Maybe its just me but I have noticed a disturbing uptick in misogynistic comments toward the females on my neighborhood FB group. I have called out/reported several and then again today there was another case. Some people had opposing opinions and a male poster started being unnecessarily nasty to a female poster (FWIW, I actually agreed with him on the specific issue which is not political). Ironically this guy posted something personal a few months ago and received overwhelming support from the community. Now he is giving a female poster (but not the male poster who is basically saying the same as her) a hard time

If I wanted my grocery order to be ready at 5, I would have picked 5. Now I’ve been hanging out waiting for quite some time, and you’re messing with my happy your plans!

It’s really sad to see how upset a Hoarder gets when someone tries to clean up trash on what’s supposed to be their own property.

Yes sis, you and I inherited those stacks of horribly decaying pallets, and yes I told my nephew, your son, I didn’t care if he got rid of my half. The whole town wants to see him clean up the property dad left to him, not you. They told him it was ok. There’s a 40K lien on it because dad never cleaned it up as directed by the town, then court.

It’s been two years since dad died and you haven’t lifted a finger to get anything done/cleaned/settled. You’ve been too busy accumulating more cwap and playing video games while watching old Disney movies. You’ve probably also been selling some things under the table since no one knows where you get your money from. Or do you have a GoFundMe for “poor old you” who can’t do anything (they don’t want to do)? You’ve conned good people for years to support you financially.

Now you’re planning to sue him and turn him in or whatever and told me it’s “good-bye permanently.”

So I won’t hear from you for what, two days? A week?

If you sue I hope the judge can see the real story, not whatever you spin.

What I really, really wish for is for you to see the world as most people see it. It’d be nice to have a sister to enjoy life with. But you live in your own world, upset at everyone and everything even the slightest bit outside of it. How stress hasn’t killed you yet is beyond me.

I wish there were fixes for these things.

I am always on the fence deciding if facebook is worth the aggrevation. I like hearing what friends and family have going on, mostly I like hearing what their kids are up to honestly. The politics, not so much.

I want to post, but will not, the following:

I have noticed that those of you who I know struggled mightily to get through high school seem to be the most avid and opinionated political posters. Might I suggest that you at least listen to people smarter than you with medical training when it comes to masks, and someone who has been to law school when it comes to whether someone meets the constitutional requirements to be a vice president?

I’m not the most intelligent person in the world, I get that. But I’m at least smart enough to not always think that I am the smartest person in the room. If you weren’t in the top half of our HS class, you probably aren’t the smartest guy on the internet. Food for thought.

On a related note, thank you to the guy in my daughter’s 8th grade class who was proudly wearing a shirt declaring his political allegiance to one of the presidential candidates yesterday. As you probably recall, you were suspended for a week last year for grabbing multiple girls from behind. My daughter says that it was just the tip of the iceberg, and that 90% of the girls you have fondled did not report you, and that everyone in the school knows what kind of a person you are. I’m sure you have made at least a few of those girls question if they want to be associated with someone you clearly admire. I think you are converting votes by your advertising, but not the way you think you are. Please keep wearing it through the election. Thank you.

Some days the news is too much to bear.

Please, please please, clean up your dogs crap from the sidewalk?

I’m completely over the word “launched” - your kid isn’t a rocket. It’s just so weird.

I’m converting old VHS tapes to digital files, and H said he wanted to keep a copy of his doctoral graduation ceremony from 25 years ago. OMG after 1.5 hours they finally started handing out diplomas, v e r y slowly. The kids were 5 and 2 at the time - I wonder how they survived? I must have blocked out the entire experience. And he’s never going to watch this, so why am I doing this? I just want to go to bed!