Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Just needing to vent -

I’m sick of hot flashes and lack of sleep. 4 am is too early to be awake on a weekend!

I don’t want to bathe the dog anymore but at 9 years + I think taking him to be professionally groomed for the first time would be traumatic.

What do you mean you deleted the file with all our paperwork and we need to do it again? It’s been over a month since we started this process with you. The estate process has been a huge time suck. Thanks for making it even worse. And PS, no we aren’t leaving the money with you to manage.

And please please please let the kayak actually arrive today as promised!

And the Covid rules apply to your special snowflake too!

Seeing social media posts of friends moving their children into dorms just makes me sad. Not because I am sappy about such things in general, but because I think their chances of remaining on campus for any meaningful length of time is a pipe dream. Seeing many that I feel should have packed much lighter.

A week ago the largest mass shooting of 2020 left 22 shot, one fatally. If this happened in our neighborhoods there would be dozens of satellite trucks parked at the scene still. Do a Google search…primarily stories from “6 days ago.”

So over the top. Some people need to get a life. Too much judgement.

No, he hasn’t found a job. Yes, we know it’s been a year. No, I don’t think he’s doing “something wrong”. No, I don’t think he should have gotten a “better” degree. No, going back to school doesn’t make sense (where would they get the money? more debt is helpful how?) No, I’m NOT SURE IT WILL ALL WORK OUT IN THE END and No, we don’t think GOD IS TESTING US TO STRENGTHEN OUR FAITH .

Every day it is harder, and I wish you would simply shut up.

It’s fine that you needed new glasses, but did you really need to spend $1500 on two pairs?! $1500, are you freaking kidding me???

Bought ‘real’ tomatoes at a farm stand and made BLTs (minus the L) today. Summer pleasures.

My former coworker keeps posting on FB about all the things her S & his friends are missing as 2020 grads & now incoming freshmen. I noticed that she & her friends are FB friends with their kids. I really, really want to tell them to stop it. It’s like when your kids were little & they fell. If you let them tell you how they felt & reacted just to that, things were typically better than if you overreacted and freaked them out. But I am biting my tongue, because no one really wants my opinion. Glad to get it off my chest here!!

Who had “Major forest fires that cut off the Interstate for more than a week” on their 2020 Disaster Bingo Card"?

What next?

UGH daughter’s company extending work from home until June 2021. Feel so bad for young people like her who want to be out and about and socialize with co-workers. (And I don’t mean getting drunk after work - more like having lunch or coffee with people - chitchating at the water cooler, etc.) You do lose something when you aren’t working face to face - sharing ideas and brainstorming just isn’t the same on Zoom or the telephone.

Venting that we are not allowed to know when a co-worker’s 18 month old is positive with symptoms for covid-19. I only know because I can easily overhear the conversation of my boss and IT/HR people. (I can’t NOT hear the way we are set up unless he closes his door.) I think we should know, especially since we all sit in this room together unmaksed all day. However, if I say anything to anyone else, I have heard that I could be fired.

Dear receptionist who kept asking for my Medicare card so she could do the billing properly, for the last time, I’m not old enough to enroll in Medicare!

Another older home issue. Today…plumbing.

How can an elderly person lose 17 pounds in two months??

Hated to hear that a friend’s brother, someone I barely knew in high school, died from coronavirus complications. He was a highly regarded professor and was only 65. So sad.

I can;t believe we set up a committee that met twice a week for 3 weeks to do what I knew was going to be the end result from DAY ONE!

Breathtaking Star Spangled Banner; I was crying.

I asked RCN to come fix my internet speed - paying for 500mbps but only getting 35 mbps. After your fix I am now down to 25 mbps. You think you could come back in 2 days to check out everything because you didn’t know what was wrong. I am just concerned that after your visit I may be down to 15 mbps.

Thank you. I needed that.