Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)


Donā€™t ask the question if you donā€™t want honest answers.

I will never, ever understand people who love (worship??) their ā€œstuff.ā€

A friend is downsizing and having a living estate sale. The way she is wailing and gnashing her teeth, one would think someone had actually died. The estate company doing the sale has been sharing lots of posts. I am astonished at the amount of stuff she has. Muffy Vanderbear collections? Corn dishes? First edition books, antique furniture. I honestly donā€™t know how she had it all in her home(s) Itā€™s obscene. And, itā€™s not junk, but she is going to be sorely disappointed with what she gets for her ā€œtreasures.ā€ Sheā€™s mad at her husband because he wonā€™t pay to store all of it. There is some sort of hole in her heart that needs to be filled with something else.

It boggles my mind how parents claim blind faith in their kidā€™s collegeā€™s ability to defy a pandemic. Itā€™s one thing for a 20 year old to wish that way but a mature parentā€™s utter denial is really surprising.

Really, neighbors, youā€™re hosting a multi-day affair with overnight guests? People were sitting shoulder-to-shoulder under that big tent in your yard. Lots of out-of-state license plates.

And now we get an email from other neighbors that their son is getting married in their backyard on October 10. The email read, " I expect there will be a fair amount of activity, music, and cars on the road that day." Ack.

This the same week that 28 people were infected in connection to a wedding with 65 attendees in Millinocket, Maine. Millinocket!! Sigh.

Very exciting! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sure you enjoyed releasing all of the balloons at whoeverā€™s birthday party.

Weā€™re not enjoying fishing them out of our pond and pastures. There are some in the neighborā€™s soybean fields too. To get those heā€™d need to destroy some of his crop walking through it.

You realize itā€™s still littering akin to throwing things out of your car or wherever, right? What goes up must come down? If youā€™re ok with that, let me have your address and Iā€™ll toss some of my trash there for you to pick up.

And with multiples, no Iā€™m not going to believe itā€™s an accidental escape.

Iā€™m not crying youā€™re crying.

10 people in a meeting (including me) and only 2 (including me) wore masks?! And most of them were non-employees who are SUPPOSED to wear them in the building. Yes, the room is big and some of you were kind of 6 feet apart, but would it really kill you to wear one if you donā€™t have to talk? I was the only who had to do most of the talking. I plopped myself in the very farthest corner of the room, a good 30ā€™ from the nearest person, glared angrily at the crowd while speed talking through the agenda. We were done in 15 min vs the usual 30. And our % positive rate is 13.5% today. Go us!

Smiling and nodding.

Please stop encouraging them. The long winded and self-congratulating opinions are tiresome.

School just issued the transcripts over the portal through the end of junior year. I just need a minute. I have been, I am, so proud of him and the way heā€™s been figuring it all out over the past year. The way heā€™s been owning his story and this college process. But damn, the damage that was inflicted sophomore year.

I need to believe that a school, the right school, will see the person heā€™s become. Will hear his story.

Because the sheet of paper alone is brutal. Seeing it all in one place with just letters and numbers is brutal. Thereā€™s no person in that.

Thatā€™s all. Just need a minute. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I am going to take back what I said about RCN. The guy came back today and totally rewired my house. I now have 300mbs wifi speed. I tipped him because he took time to staple the cable as close to the wall as possible.

A good friendā€™s 19-year-old son was diagnosed with lymphoma a year and a half ago and has been to hell and back, including receiving a stem cell transplant. He seems to be well but of course they continue to monitor him closely. My friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer and opted for a bilateral mastectomy. Sheā€™s all of 52-ish. Oh, and her mother died last week. They just canā€™t catch a break.


Shout out for the french horn!

If I canā€™t breathe someone elseā€™s air can I at least breath fresh air?

Steak, eggs, honeydew melon & cantaloupe
Thought that I was making breakfast for myself.

Dogs thought otherwise.

Still hungry, but thankful for black coffee, strawberries, & toast.

God sure did give dogs beautiful eyes.

Had to give up my nightly wine drinking. It was just contributing to further depression and anxiety. It has been just a couple of weeks but I am feeling much better and even more motivated. I sure wish it didnā€™t affect me like that. Right now I just donā€™t need that. Saves a lot of money though, LOL.

I wish the part of the brain that regulates smart choices would develop more quickly than it does.

No parent should have to lose their child to a teen moment, in this case, driving. It might not have been a typical senior year, but it still should have been the start of your senior year.

And we wait to see the fate of another.

Those of us whose kids successfully navigate their teen years even with some dubious decisions are fortunate. So many kids will grow up having stories of that which didnā€™t kill them back in their day. Not all. (sigh)