Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>You have over $700,000 in risky investments that were worth over $1.6 million 9 months ago. You depend on none of it to live on and brag about this. You said 2 weeks ago you are not worried about losing money in the market - that it will come back and you trust your "guys" (the mutual fund managers). Your grand-daughter wants to attend RIT because it is the only school in the country to offer a program in biomedical photography - a field she can earn a decent living in doing something she loves. You offered to pay your grandson's tuition at an Ivy. He received a full scholarship and will not need it. You are sending the message to your granddaughter that she is not as good as he is. Today you made $28,323 in your beloved mutual fund market earnings. Couldn't you just take one day's earnings and put it in an account marked "grand-daughter's tuition?" And, not just any granddaughter but one who has perservered despite a health condition that causes frequent sprains and dislocations and has a frightening syrinx in her spinal column that confines her to a wheelchair every few years just long enough that she has to completely learn to walk again.</p>

<p>This is especially ironic because you raised me to believe my own paternal grandmother was heartless for not paying for my brother's med school tuition and because he had to spend 5 years in the air force as pay-back for that tuition.</p>

<p>don't forget where you came from. I am sure the company you keep now is a bit wealthier than what your are accustomed to, but that doesn't apply to you and your life. Think very carefully about who you are pushing aside...the consequences may be harsh.</p>

<p>If you do really want your stated goal, quit spending money on fancy toys! Yes, they are toys.</p>

<p>You are so short on money, you tell me all the time, why oh why are you wasting any money on collectibles? You already have a ton, don't imply I should help you and then waste money like that.</p>

<p>You tell me story after story that exemplifies money wasted and poorly allocated on this project for the last two years, please get your act together.</p>

<p>Stop waiting until the 11th hour to pull the panic button, have plan, make a plan, think ahead, be professional. Don't just 'believe' it will all work out because it should, just because you are doing a good thing!!!</p>

<p>To anyone who thinks you have to tiptoe around things to be kind- that's you, on CC. Be direct, say what you mean and you are more helpful. Your job isn't to be nice, your job is to point out things the poster may not have thought of. It is kind to be honest. Sick of hypocrites who think one thing but are afraid to say it. People don't take gentle hints- they need to be told upfront, bluntly, directly... You don't hurt feelings by being saying what you think- you don't have a personal relationship to have feelings between you...</p>

<p>Stop giving out free homework advice on the web!!! The lazy kids who post their science problems need to figure out how to read their textbooks!</p>

<p>It's bad enough you don't meet personally with juniors to discuss colleges, instead giving a group presentation that's too little, a year too late. Now I find out the boilerplate questionaire my student is supposed to complete so you can write your GC rec doesn't even ASK which colleges he's considering? Now there's a fine recommendation letter waiting to happen!</p>

<p>Where are you right now? My grandpa is in hospital, recovering from surgery, and where are you? You can't do this. Either you're in or you're out. It is not ok to pop up when there's a holiday or money to be spent and then disappear when things get tough. That's not how relationships work. I know he is not an easy person to love so if you can't love him during the tough times, go away, leave. </p>

<p>I want to like you because you are the person he chooses to spend time with but sorry, your actions just make you seem like a scummy gold digger. </p>

<p>Oh, and how dare you hide the picture of my g'ma that was at the beach house? That is so not ok. That is my family's house, it was my g'ma's house. It is not your house and that picture was important. Guilty conscience maybe?</p>

<p>G'pa, get well soon.</p>

<p>so... i work tirelessly for the school even though i have a night job...i run pretty much every event...i am a major donor...yet when the math team gets its picture taken you can't spend a few minutes to find my child (who was helping another teacher)...and now you say i am unreasonable!!</p>

<p>You won't test my kid for mental capacity, you talk about her working up to her ability, and then you express surprise that she isn't managing to complete 3 research papers, a math project, study for three major tests, along with daily homework for 6 classes all in a two week time period. The kid does nothing but 4-5 hours of schoolwork every day. At what point do you get the fact that this IS working to her capacity? Giving her Ds and Fs isn't going to prove anything except that your expectations are not realistic. Test the kid, then teach to her ability.</p>

<p>So, your child's not perfect. You make him study for hours and he still isn't doing well in that class. Maybe he doesn't belong at the level and should transfer. He wouldn't be a failure if he did. Afterall, being in honors is not worth the stress and the D grade.</p>

<p>Hey Lances, the sidewalk is for us, PEDESTRIANS. You have a dedicated bike lane.</p>

<p>Worst birthday ever. A supermarket cake and flowers that you ran out to get last minute after your son reminded you? Seriously? At least you stopped the screaming and swearing for one night anyway.</p>

<p>normally, planning an event such as your baby's christening it is done with more than a week's notice and invitations are sent in the mail. Not only can no one go because other plans were made, but once again you took advantage of someone you should be eternally greatful to. next time, show some consideration.</p>

<p>Are you kidding? Are you actually trying to have our public park restrict its usage because you don't like the high school cross country team running there? Did you actually come into my office and try to bs me into believing that all the senior citizens in town are up in arms about it, and that the last time the issue came up the Senior Centre took an active role in trying to keep the teams out? Too bad, bucko - I was here when it happened, and it didn't happen the way you said. And don't try to impress me by telling me about all the seniors you know. Really? I've worked here for almost a decade - do you think you're more aware of senior issues than I am?</p>

<p>You self-serving jerk. Maybe you didn't make the junior varsity softball team 53 years ago, and that's why you have all this resentment of our local schools. Don't lie about the issues - try to make your point (if you have one) based on facts, not half-truths and biases.</p>

<p>You make me sick. You are lucky my boss was in the office when you tried to slime your way into our good graces, or I'd have kicked you out on your ignorant ass.</p>

<p>Your dog has torn up our adjoining fence. He has pushed pulled squeezed his way through to our yard so many times that he finally broken it. Yes, I saw you dragging him back through the hole in the fence the other day which only made it way worse.<br>
Now I see that your idea of fixing the fence is to bind it up with string. Thanks, I'm sure that will really keep your giant bouncy deer of a dog fr. coming through. And is looks so classy too.</p>

<p>Okay School Board, tell me how I'm supposed to explain to my junior, who's working his butt off in a linear algebra class, why you refuse to give his A the weighted average that AP classes get. You don't think a linear algebra class is above and beyond AP Calculus? </p>

<p>Nah, you let the administrative bureacrats, who don't want to have to figure out which online classes are truly like AP classes, sway your decision, didn't you?</p>

<p>The GC just told my kid he's sitting at class rank 3 of 520. That's pretty darned good and thank goodness we never, ever set out being val/sal as a goal, because you've rigged him out of val because he should be getting the AP weight for taking linear algebra (and multivariate calculus next year.)</p>

<p>But what the hell do we care what you think? We'll have to put our trust in the Ad Comms who do know what college level classes are, and will think you are idiotically punitive for denying the extra weight.</p>

<p>'nuff said.</p>

<p>You are a primadonna.</p>

<p>I feel very pressured and now I'm lying a lot. STRESSSSSS. I can't wait till the whole dumb process is over and I can sleep again.</p>

<p>A 95% in science gets an "A" - how does an 87% get an A in the same class???</p>