Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Totally classless and absolutely clueless…

Turns out I don’t know exactly where that is, after all.

Yes, I know larger class sizes aren’t ideal - not even close to ideal - but the comparison is to a teacher who can only be there 3/4ths of the time, maybe less. Weigh the options carefully.

The real scary thing is that no one applied for the job and more teachers will be retiring in the near future. It definitely seems like math/science teaching isn’t as desired for a career choice as before - not even in a reasonably high paid district. That should be setting off oodles of red warning flags. If it’s only here, what can be changed? If it’s everywhere… definite scary thought.

Just because I’m not a helicopter mom does not mean I don’t care.

Growing up, we had a saying when people were obvious in their spin. “Your a** is showing”.


In the name of all that is holy, stop urinating on everything!!!

And you! Turning up your nose at the small-batch artisan kibble unless I hand-feed it to you???

What is wrong with me?!!

Personal accountability should not be such a difficult concept to grasp.

Now it seems as if things are competing as to which can kill me first.

Having a “dream school” sets you up for unnecessary disappointment. Many people don’t recommend putting all of your eggs in one basket for anything else, but quickly disregard this when choosing schools. Building anything up that much is not responsible.

We are really, really fortunate to have such a high EFC. There is no situation in which it’s better to be poor.

110 minutes on multiple phone calls to get DS and DH off our health insurance policy (DS going overseas and DH going on Medicare). Ack.

Really, Target? I paid $29.95 for an item online that comes with a sticker that says clearance $20.95? So irritating.


I don’t know if I can be friends with you anymore, and that makes me sad.

Dealing with home improvement estimates is so frustrating, and it’s so hard to compare the various proposals.
It would help if they all included what I’d consider basics, like an actual sink in the vanity…

I don’t know why you have to make everything so difficult.

I don’t have time to get sick until after this weekend.

Seriously? Mom’s genetic testing results were sent to your office Jan 2nd and she’s had two dr appts with you since then, yet she only finds out because she calls the testing company to ask how much longer she has to wait for results?

I’m glad you called back yesterday after she called you and will be looking into the trial her cancer fits, but your office needs to learn how to put sticky notes on IMPORTANT new info for you to share so things like this don’t get overlooked. You’ve wasted two weeks. How long would it have been if she hadn’t called the company? That type of problem/delay should never happen - at least fix it for the next person. She’s “just” a patient to you, but she means an awful lot to some of us and even if nothing comes out of a trial, at least she would have had a chance to try for it in as timely of a manner as possible.

Develop a system to fix it. Sticky notes are cheap, quick, and easy to see. Teach your staff to use them perhaps by pretending that each patient is their own loved one.